1974 School Magazine

ffie w At the end of second term we said "Bon Vovaqe" to Miss Williams, who went overseas, and i,elcomed l\lonsieur Bocquet and his suit- case. Recently we went to Expo' Uni- Again we witnessed hnother wierd (a more suitable adjective is difficult to find) but funny Ionesco play, "Le Salon de I'Automobile". The French department organized a poster display. Mademoiselle was exiravagant and ordered one copy of every poster on display, making a total of seventeen' These wili decoiate the new language laboratory and classrooms which, in answer to our teachers' Dravers. will be in use soon. ' f*.iu. girls from fifth and sixth forms attended ru French lamp organized by the M'L'T.A'Q' (Modern Language Teachers' Association of Oueensland) from the 2o-22nd of September. It was held at Camp Warrawee, Petrie and under the direction of Mr. John Bissett, the camp proved to be worthwhile and fun too. For those who are interested, Mr. Bissett taLrght Mademoiselle how to teach French. Mademoiselle's rtcxt French activity will be f r"rrther nfield than Petrie. She plans to take a group of senior French students to Noumea in ine tvtay holidays next year. We wish her good luck in' her attempts to prevent the girls from speaking any Englishl S. Hergenhan VA

Resume of the French Activities in 1,974 Our French mistress, a certain Mademoiselle V., appears dedicated to the conversion of her pupils into francophiles. One of her devices is to take us to see French drama and films. In April, a group of girls went to see the Eugene Ionesco play "Exit the King". According to the general opinion he was a king who took too long, approximately an hour and a half, to die. ln June, we were "advised" that the films "L'Etranger" and "Le Genou de Claire" would improve our French. All of us were silently thankful for the sub-titles. We are not clnly encouraged to see French drama but also to participate in it. ln second term IV, put on a production of "Blanche-Neige et les Sept Nains", (Snow-White and the Seven Dwarfs"), for the other fourth forms. The stars of the ptay were Sally-Jane Munro as Snow-White and Marie-Louise Cantamessa as the wicked queen. Mademoiselle's Vth form French class pro- duced a set of advertisements ranging from "Ouichi Ouachi", a washing powder to "Cooking with Mimi". The German class came to the per- formance and enjoyed it. When we found out that there was to be no Alliance Francaise competition this year we were desolated, especially those who were in the position of being "persuaded" to enter. Mamemoi- selle found a substitute for the fifth and sixth form girls, however, another Alliance Francaise competition, "Concours La Perouse". One of the requirements was to complete a civilization quiz. A typical question from the "answer 'yes' or'no' " section was, "The youngest deputy in France in 1973 was 22". \Ne never did find the answer to that one. A twenty-five minute grammar test done after school was also part of the first round. Despite our preparation it was a stinker. Even Mademoiselle was stumped on one or two. Out of the five girls who entered not a one was in the top three in the Brisbane section, but we tried. Why? First prize was a tdp to France, We alt have a weak spot where food is con- cerned, especially when the food is chocolate eclairs. To celebrate Bastille Day, Mademoiselle organized a French party for each of her classes. The cuisine consisted of baguettes, French cheeses and sausage, not forgetting the piece de resistance - the chocolate eclairs. A French party is not complete without frogs' legs and they were not forgotten - appearing in the form of Freddo Frogs. Our teacher has such a sense of humour - typically French! The second formers appreciated this activity as it made them feel more involved.

"Snow white is tempted to try the poisoned apple".

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