1974 School Magazine

Bv about six o'clock, everyone had arrived at "Xuinp Stacev," and there foilowed a mad dash t;; ah; uest tjeo (though no-one had much sleep Ar.inn the weekend, {lnyway' so why the u"ifr.,?rl. By the time dinner had been prepared, Loii p6opt. were quite ready for it, and I must .""- til. Ibod at ''Klrmp Stacey" was quite good' gitet dinner, we had'a short rehearsal' Then' ;ith- M;.- ftipp's help and patient tuition, this was followed by o night of jiving' two-steppmg' gyfty-iupping ind so-forth,-which, I am led to 5.ti.u., .u.ryon. enjoyccl' At about eleven o'clock fro*"ult, l,ir. tvtoritdgue had to close the hall doots, or we might have danced on even longer' From what -I've heard, Friday night was quile-sieeptess for most people, though Saturday mornine iaw some enefgetic people up at the crack oT dawn, playing soccer. Most of the morn- inn *n, spent in iepirate part rehearsals, while ffie of 'the remairring p-eople occupied their time cnurning up the improvised soccer-field' - Atttt lunci, i small group of pe^ople, with Mi.- Tripp and Mr. Denning, set off to climb a nearbi'mountain. Only sev.en or .so .survived thc thunber-stol'm and the "vigorous" climb (to iay the least) to leach the actual summit, and of'the few wf,o monuged to ciimb up on at least iwo feet, nearly all dlescended on the backs of theit f .ins. I'd say a number of people re- turned carrying a considerable proportion of the mountain on -themselves, too, as their unfor- tunate mothers no doubt discovered the next wash day. Follo#ing another delicious dinner, and sub- seqLlent wa"sh-up, we practised some more of oui' i'st. John Passion,; aftel which, we settled back to watch a mystery film. At least, it was easier to sleep that -nighi, as the day's activities must have rforn out many of the more noisy people. ' Sirnday norning, atter breakfast, those who wished ittended i church service, led by Mr' Montague. Then, still more soccer and part-re- hearsaii. By that time, the so-cailed-soccer field bore more' resemblance to a muddy paddock, with one large quagmile in the centre. Anyway, after a lovely -lun^ch, .everyone packed and cleaned up, ready - for . departure' ithotographs of the whole assembly, in front of the bu"s, ivere taken, after which everyone sorted themselves into various vehicles, and headed back for home, having had yet another tremen- dous choir camP' A choir Member AUGUST SNOW TRIP After a joytul, delayed goodbye from our "r;;;i;, tiie'ttiirtv-nine 6f ui left in our Grey.- t;;;;"fi,;;;itn .i,t verv own loo -- a rare thrill' +;il"; ;tpp.o tt.t t.. time s during that.overniglt "-"..i.... tiri,i.n I am sure no one will ever do ;;.i; Amazingly enough at the 3.'30 a'm' stop birii, n.uuie'and Gr&chen (typical Grammar d'i.lt ,d-th*e ice creams and a pie each'

Thc Crammal girls kept trim on the school's squash corrrts. a nrarvcllous lacility {ot.,ulJ school' Wc itlso pitrtlclpatc(l in rousing b-asketball .match- cs and long wiilks, bumping into the local squlre cxclcisittP his hairY hound. "^ w;;.; iov,ii tt the school colours, especially ,tt.i Uir*i"g ti shower, but we were compensated ;;"'.;;i;;li:o hcated dorms, whiie our male ;,1'.,ti;;;;iJ cxistcd in more Spartan accommoda- tion, cxccpt for lhcil hot showers' ""ii";';f ;l-rr-girls was known to roam th-e misty m*it tot: in"spiration (for what?) and some 6.r"attrt.d Uittiira cues to ward off any intending intruder. ^ --fr'. nrc-clcctiotr climate caused many heated, u"t^ .,',tliiuining dcbates amongst the different i"iiti.iii.*i"ptl th. next Prim; Minister would 6;^; l;';g-h;ii.'d studcnt, if he had his wav, so be *^in.:,r."rutking usually went on. in.the dorms long aftcr thc cr-ilfew. lnd many.friends.hlps were i;ffi.4. Suc Nelson spent a holiday at Wollon- nono ."t'f wc ltrtvc 6card trom the- people we ir.tl ,,n.t think of thc-m now as they prepare for their autiquateci external exams' '" fl* *..[ provoked a hard look at the implica- tions of ptogress and the lessons that we can ieart-t ft'onr t"hc past. The opportuntiy -to meet ri"J."it-ti,tm ali over Austrifia showed, us that 6u..nii.n.t.r's ilrc not a race apart but share .i..ot problems and aspitations with our fellow A;;i;;ii.;t. We feci sure that girls attending the Conference next year will enjoy themselves and benefit as mttch as we did' After rtll. histoly repeats itself' ' Janice Borgert 6C

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The site of this year's first choir camp was "Kamp Stacey." Aftbr a considerable time, spent * F iOuy afiernoon, packing- Iugg.lge and sort- ing every6ody out into his or her allotted bus or .u?, tniogt finally started moving and we were under way.

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