1973 School Magazine


Saturday l5-A great deal more thought and organizatron went into School Day this year with the result that the day was more successful than ever before. I-ots of imagination and hard work went into the numerous stalls and displays making the day both interesting and a financial success. To mark the Commencement of our Centenary Buildings, an Official Opening Ceremony was held at which Manfred Cross MHR unveiled a plaque. Our project is finally on the move! Wednesday 19-The 2nd fprmers attended the 3rd of their ABC Concerts at the City Hall. Australian Poet Bruce Dawe entertained 5th and 6th formers with a reading of his work and made a deep impression on his audience.

Monday 15-The Inter-School Athletics and Ball- games were held at LangPark. Once again State High took the honours in both Athletics and Ball-games, with Grammar running third in both. Monday 22-B.G.G.S. was granted a holiday as a result of a visit to the school by the Governor Sir Colin Hannah and Lady Hannah last year. Susanne London awarded a Rotary Scholarship to the Philippines. Friday 26-The Grammar Singers performed Elgar's "The Music Makers." in the Great Hall at B.G.S. November: As this diary goes to print, the proposed programme for the remainder of the school year is briefly outlined. During November a number of varied activities has been arranged for the VIth Form, including seminars, discussions, films and excursions. Monday 19-The Annual VIth Form Dinner is to be held at 29 Murray Street, and once again invitations are extended to both parents. This occasion should be a fitting farewell to the staff and our friends. Saturday 24-A Supper Dance at Lupi's of Ken- more, is being organized by some of our Senior girls and will be attended by students from other Brisbane Schools. Tuesday Z7-Ffiday 30-Thisyear's 5th FormCamp is to be held again at Kamp Stacey and should serve as preparation for their final year. Friday 30-The girls of the VIth form end their school life. December: Monday 3-Once again the Grammar Singers will present "The Nine Lessons and Carols" at a combined Grammar Schools sewice, to be held at St. John's Cathedral. Thursday 6-The 1973 school year culminates in Speech Night, to be held this year in the B.G.S. Hall. Finally, we would like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, and hope that next year will be as rewarding as tlis one has been. Heather Torney and Sue London. tt

I met a poet today And in his voice was a sincerity That could have been mistaken in his words alone. The earthy face, weathered by experience, Not the type you'd expect for a poet Or was he? But the audience was captivated That expression With piercing eyes. With his'down-to-earth-ness' He inspired us all;

Saturday 22-Beth White won First Prize for her project on "Multilayers and Light" in the Science Teachers' Association contest. Wednesday 26-Miss Paterson, Sue Little and Heather Torney attended an evening held by the Australian Commonwealth Society on "Anglo-Aus- talian Relations" at which the speakers were the Vice Chancellor, Professor Zelman Cowan, and ihe British Higlr Commissioner, Sir Morris Jones. Thursday 27-The girls in Forms 2 to 5 and staff members attended lecfures on the Drug Problem. Saturday 29-Ow Ball-games and Athletics teams bused up to Toowoomoa for a Sports Meet with Glennie and Fairholme. Besides performing well, the girls made and renewed many friendships, while acquiring an early tan. October: Thursday, Friday, Saturday ll, 72, l3-"The Crucible" by futhur Miller was presented by a combined cast from B.G.S. and B.G.G.S. After many months of rehearsals the outstanding success of this play was gratiffing.

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