1973 School Magazine

and, in spite of their tremendous never-failing effic- iency, our librarians often wish for another pair of hands each. ' As in previous years, many girtrs have donated a book to the library on leaving school, and we thank these girls very much indeed. We were also extremely delighted to receive three beautifully bound volumes of "Australasia lllustrated," generously donated by Linda Mlson's family. This year we have, through necessity, been more active in the area of library planning. As well as the two most interesting lunch hours some girls spent listening to talks and slides by Mrs. Roe and Mr. I-undon, both from the Queensland University, we have also participated in visits to other school libraries and to the Queensland University to see how these libraries are functioning. With regard to our planning committee many thanks must be given to Sandra Hogan for her greatly appreciated efforts in this field. Also, thanks should go to all those girld who helped man the book stall on School Day. Although it has not been possible to do my bookbinding this year through lack of space, many girlshave been a great help with the processing ofnew books and in the smooth running of the library. Special thanks must be given to Jane Milne, Helen Gehrmann, Jan Harrison, Fiona Scott, Jenny Somer- ville, Kay Paulsen and Cathy Luck, besides our two librarians, Mrs. Riggs and Mrs. Tynan, without whom our library could not possibly function. Jasley Schwarten VIA

M.ADR IG.A[, CS{OIR. n 973. The frrst public appearance of the Madrigal Choir fhis year, *ui ltt .Tune, at a concert held to coinmem- orate the fiftieth anniversary of the founding of the "Engllsh .{ssociation" of Queensland. We sang a bracket of five madrigals - "Adieu, sweet Amaryllis," "Flora gave me Fairest Flowers," "April is in my mistress' fa.ce," "Never weather - beaten sail" and "All Creatures now are rnerry-minded." Many of the audience commented that we attained the usual high standard of performance that Miss Frederick trains us to reach. Miss Frederick trained us to sing "Who will buy?" and "Oom-pah-pah" at School Day when Jane Elliot also sang "As long as he needs me." Other old-time favourites were sung by the choir and by Christine McCowan, Cathy Williams and Susan Parnell' We hope to excel all our previous performances at Speech Night this yeat, as it is our last appearance under Miss Frederick's conductorship. Each member of the Choir deeply appreciates her constant deter- mination and stamina to continue with the choir despite the many hardships of illness, poor attendance, lack of time, and lack of a noise-less, unintenupted practice venue. We would like to take this opportunity to thank Miss Frederick for her many years of service to the school, using her great talent to help others to appreciate and reproduce music in two forms - the voice and the piano. Without Miss Frederick and Miss Shaw (our very co-operative and appreciative head- mistress), and those who have helped with piano accompaniment, the madrigal choir would not be in existence to help further the musical experience of every member. We wish Miss Frederick the very best for her re- tirement, and sincerely thank her for her unfailing dedication to the choir.

Roslyn Staines 6A.

Foundation Stone new building.

DEBATING CLUB We began 1973 with a new debating mistress and a new hope for training the younger teams in the "Activities" period on Friday afternoons. While the Debating Activity was still operative, in first term, we made full use of it as a time to prepare our debates for the coming week and to stage parliamentary and mock debates.

N,IBR.ARY NOTES This year has certainly been a different, and at times quite entertaining one as far as library usage goes. With the mass exodus to room 2 over the last Christmas holidays, our present crammed and rather untidy, but homely quarters could hardly be likened to most people's ideas of a neatly presented library. Staff, students and books seem to be in all directions j- t j''--:-,i

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