1973 School Magazine
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SCIENCE CONTEST' Owing to a great deal of enthusiasm on the part of our science teachers, Brisbane Grls' Grammar was well represented in this year's Queensland Science Con- test. The contest is conducted annually by the Queensland Science Teachers' Association. Many of the entrants would sincerely like to thank Mr. Brown for giving up so many hours to open the laboratories and supervise experimentations at weekends, after school and during vacations, and also for his never ending encouragement and helpful advice.
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investigations concerning harmful substances com- monly consumed by people (pain-relieving drugs, caffeine, carbon monoxide) to finding the dimensions of molecules and the wavelength of light. The projects entered from our school compared more than favourably with entries from other schools and of twelve projects entered, nine won prizes or bursaries and it was lack of prizes alone which pre- vented all the entries from winning prizes for the standard of entries was high. Beth White gained first place in the senior section for her project "Multilayers and Light." Other prizes in this iection were won by Donna Baldwin, Judy Fraser, Linda Carne, Michelle Lohou, Leanne Lock- wood, Jillian Inglis, and Kristen Beverage' Prizes in the intermediate section went to Lisa Cantamessa, Helen Phillips, Robyn Mann, Helen Archi' bald, Christine Simmonds, Anne Mowles, Rosalie Conomos, and Wendy Shaw. In the junior section prizes were won by Elizabeth de etr_-aStEf and Julie Austin' Beth white
The lines of experimentation and research pursued by the entrants from B.G.G.S. were interesting and varied. They ranged from studies of vegetation and wild life, the pollution of our environment and Beth White and Her Proiect.
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