1973 School Magazine
wasn't I? Didn't I do whatever I wanted to do, go wherever I wanted and with rvhomever I wanted to go with? Didn't? Didn't I? $1ho wants Women's Liberation? This woman does - she's lucky, she is coming close to knowing what she wants. But what about the millions of women ivho are bored, listless, sick of life, but don't or won't know what is wrong with them? The women who are being used and call it being needed, the women who can'timagine a life different from the one they live even though they are restless and dissatisfied. Millions of women have been conditioned into thinking that they iue second-rate, a few of them have admitted this and tried to do something about it. They know they want liberation, the others want liberation but don't know it. Instead they drift along, wondering what is the matter with them, and acting out the role which is strangling them. Who wants Women's Liberation? Very few men! They have 'got it good' with their unpaid jacks-of-all- trades. Wry would tley want to change thi situation? So they make bawdy jokes about bra-burning, and their women laugh as loud as they do. Ha ha.
Mary Williams.
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