1972 School Magazine
SpiJn, Spider ugly, crude, black and threatening; Its long protruding legs, dark and hairy Attsched to its thick, bulbous body-revoltingly fat. S it ting quie tly -w aiting For the unknowing fly to become entangled in its sticky trap Spider sits and stares, watch@ still ond sinister; Until the tiny insect exhausts its strength- And the spi.der seizes unother victim. SusanAitken, IIlC Vl" SoiJ", Tiny spider, small and delicate, slowly spins its shiny web. Round and round-each thread forms part of the intricate pattern of this little net. The beautiful web is finished-and the sun shines through Ihe sparkling dewdrops, sprinkled over the web like scattered stars; And in the centre sits the tiny spider- Happy in her new home. Susan Aitken, 1ILC
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Jenny Andrews, VB
Patricia Deasy, VIB
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