1971 School Magazine


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debating was undertaken during the year' Due credit must be given to our debating mistresses, Mrs. Blumson ind Miss Neil, for their ever helpful suggestions and support which in no small way helped to-Lreate the keenness and interest throughout the vear. To the other members of staff who attended various debates, may I, on behalf of the debaters say thank you, for'an audience is what we so often lack' To the parents who were sufficiently interested in their daughters' activity to attend many of the debates utid at ti.n.s provided excellent suppers when the contest was at Grammar, I also thank you on behalf of the school's debaters. I-astly, I would Like to record that many of the schools we debated against were impressed with the fact that the Brisbane Girls' Grammar School awarded pockets for debaters. Without exception, they all cbnsidered that their school could very well follow in our footsteps with regard to this. It is only hooed that debatins will continue to flourish within the' school and with-other schools, biinging credit to Grammar as it has always done in the past. Gayle M. Smith' SecretarY

The main aims of debating are to cultivate the rare art of straight thinking and to acquire.a flexible adaptabiiity" in applying one's own-- ideas and appieciating other people's. I feel that all those who debated for"the firsi time this year will agree with this and our more seasoned members will have had these aims reaffirmed. There were twelve teams this year competing in the Queensland Debating Union series and our school was iell represented in the Apex com-petition' Our end results ^were varied. However, we did manage to field a few teams in finals. It is not my aim to list a detailed table of results. I feel that it is more important that all teams appeared to enjoy their oaiticipation and made many friends with other ichooli. This, to me, makes debating the fine extra curricular activitY it is. House debates were keenly contested, andjudging by the talent displayed, particularly in the Lower Fbrms, Grammar has many years of top debaters to reoresent the school. In the knock-out competitions, Erigland and Liliey will be competing- for th1. Junior Fin"al and Griffith lnd Gibson for the Senior Final' It was pleasing to note the enthusiasm with which



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