1971 School Magazine
Give me the recipe of popularit! And l"ll be never lonely, Give me the ingredients of personality And I'll be never unhappy, But keep from me The spiit ofyour eternal closeness And you extract
The essence of a ltk, The beat of a heart, The sight of an eye, And the love of a God.
Janet llalk, VIA
I saw your hand sftetched out to me And ran to grasp it, crytng your name; The trees around grew dark and tall Yet parted to let me pass. But as I resched you the place where you were I heard you laugh, ftom nowhere; Ihere was no hand, no laughter there; A tear fell from the branches,
That looked so strongand proud, While I stood by a forest wept- I hated you for mocking.
Jan Dillaway, VIA
Amanda Greaves, VE
Vl"orulot fo, J"l,o Once playful waters
Tip no longer Overrocks... Youth has left-early. Unwanted green growth A product of Man's new age . . . Has choked the water. Lifeless is the stream It moves In deathly silence . . . To tell sad tidings. Beneath a fish dies And many more will soon Die.. . Wat help ean we give?
Joan Johnson, VCI
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