1971 School Magazine
J. W. BLEAKI-Ey_ "The Aborigines of Australia", Jacaranda Press, . Brisbane, 1961. M. CLARK- "A Short History of Australia", Heinemann Ltd., London, 1964. A. G. L. SHAW & H. D. NICOLSON- "Growth and Develo-pment in Australia"' - Angus & Robertson Ltd., Sydney,1966. B. MUNDAY & J. GRIGSBY* "Mainstreams in Australian History", Cassel Australia Ltd., Melbourne, 1968. J. CARTER- "In the Steps of the Explorers", Angus & Robertson, Sydney,1969.
P. O'SHAUGHNESSY, G. INSON & R. WARD- "The Restless Years", Jacaranda Press, Brisbane,1968. "Such Was Life",
ComPiled bY R. Ward & J. Robertson, Ure Smith Ltd., SYdneY' 1969.
Lyric in Third and Fourth Forms 1970
Song "{ tlo''Porr[y'.l
That aching tortured thoughts that fall like rain Might cease; that this dead shell might not so lie. But God decreed I should be how I am. Hg gave my mind the chance to rule my being- Toblay the wolf and not the timid lamb- So nurture I my hearing and my seeing. Although the bmren body lives despised, The mind k fruitful of the paralysed.
Oh, but to move one helpless, dormant finger! To reach, and touch, and graip, and feel the roughness Of a stone; to feel, to let sense linger On avelvet rose; to tug the toughness Of a surly weed; to bear some pain, Some ache, some prick, that tears and sweat might dry;
Lynn Robinson
Poetry in Second Form 1970
.//lo,niog C^il
I waken in the morning, To the happy sound ofbirds, Trilling at the glad new dawning, Yet I do not know the words. They sip the nectar from the brush, And drink ttll they are dizzy, And then away with such a rush, O why are they so busy? They flutter through the branches, Resplendent in their reds and greens, Their songs my day enhances, Yet I'll never know their dreams.
Janice Borgert
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