1970 School Magazine

-J|orglrt' lotus-legged i sit. incense burns in an empty keuch bottle, still tasting the throaty rawness. a [.to.ru. flung open ott th. floor, legs sprawled il naked abandon. my mind claws at the web ;f r..,rtity spun by ioving parents. "shades of th. prison hdrrse" ihit house. my lgo-use. endless brews of coffee mying to drag back life. the moon [u"gt in the mango, delicate aqricot not yet silver. ii;#r wink out oT ih. velvet dark. beauty catches ui ilr. throat, chokes in the chest, stirring in the loins. needs must find expression. useless, pqr- 6r.1.ss fingers grip the pencil. pale scratch marks ln the pupit. t-h.- urge grows slong. creativity r.Lt r ..i.ut.. no uuuil. mV mind screams. gf?h ,[" p.". emotions well within but words lie still- born on my lips. frusgation wets my cheeks. whorls of scented smoke cling tendril like. grey incense ash drops into tlt. silence. touch. Iensation. flickers of ^ the candle fun across the ;;iii;;. rhudowy recollections chase round the walls of my mind . pRTESTLEy (vrB)


"flrowglfis oIowt

Apri[, tg7o" I watch . and as I watch I see the green leaues curling T'he harsh, the barren land swallowed, deuoured; In darkness, wbilst tbe silence waits; Hangs; and hotds the earth in tension great, and terror. I stand . and as I stand the eartb is rumbling beneath me, \Y/ith heat intense, and Pressure' Drawing, sucking a red and glowing world To the et)erconstant lurnace uay below. I think... and as I do, my eyes smart as passes tbrough me; As I think of what our fellow men haue Rid tbe world of beasts and birds, a leeling done;

Banisbed growtb and liuing; Ruined f ertile watered Plains, And killed the world foreuer!


FoX (rrD)


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