1970 School Magazine
Jlroy, WrcI
hard siluer sickle reaping a thin haraest this season. sbarp cold clean sueeps the sickle but barren is the field and bitter the fruit. uarm ricb earth had sheltered the seed slow growing then betueen tbe souing and. tbe haruest the eartb dried bard and stony the seed greu thin and sour and utithered. erief racks then mellows selfish bitterness is a lorcely icy wind ouer a baruen field.
Su, "f Er*i[lurrr'rent
I nto this existence I bad my birth. It uas firm and beautiful at first, They led me across fields' of green, And I uas sbadowed from harm by the boughs of security; T hey opened all the gates, And they shoued me how to walk. Then my lile met its next phase. I uaded into a crazy maze, a deep sea; I could not turn back, The waters uere deep, Alone in the Sea of Bewilderment, \X/ aues utasbin g ouer me; Helpless A mounting stress l{o s tren gt b to bear. T herc the seas calmed. I managed to rise to tbe surface and float unharmed ouer the Sea of Bewilderment. througb tbe heauy uaues. Peace f ollowed gratef ully. My chance to cope with coming u'aues; But I was beld firmly irc the grasp ol security f alse and blindine. A deep desire to learn to swim. lJow I must pray fo, rising u)aues, A wide sea to perfect my skill and, into ffi€, a strength to fill tbat I will conquer the life which' in t/'trn' will conqueLKfr+ The stormy blast again. I mmeasureable strairc; I splashed and struggled; F irst f rantic ef f orts' to escape, I had to learn to swim
Wrirlrop Tbe siluer raindrop fett on the d.irty wind.ow pane. For a monzent it hung tbere, beautiful and pure in its indecision. Then began its uandering descent through the uast expanse of smoke and grime. It sparkled eagerly as it rnn down the glass Deliehting in mad trickles an.d cautious drips, Till it became as sad and soiled as the pane, And rushed to its death in tbe graueyard of mud oru the cracked sill, I t s hope and purity gone , Conquered by a grimy window pane.
prcKERrNG (vrD)
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