1970 School Magazine
S"qylers flrtes, lgTO
18th June Interhouse Athletics better luck next time Day Girls. 18th luly Grammar dance and barbecue at girls' school. i 5 th J uly Gas strikes and explosions bav becue dinner followed bv barbecue dinner followed by barbecue dinner - and the beds creaked, the "Action" flowed and the scales groaned it was beaut though ! 2 5 t h',:"^*fl$1tfi"fl,;'$#'f,1 0f Blue" l.st August Sixth Form Dance, quite a ferv surprises, shocks and shakes - but a success- ful and thoroughlv enjoyable night. 5th September Miss Boarding House Com- petition, Shane McCarroll crowned Queen and Leanne S7ilson, Princess special advisory don't wear paper dresses or fresh bauhinias they cause some upsets ! Our thanks to Miss \Thittaker (who has been a popular and helpful friend to us all ) and Miss Cousin for their advice Miss Paterson, Miss Adamson, Miss Cooper and Miss Richards for their consideration and assistance during the ye^t. Our welcome, too, to Mrs. Tassel and Miss Monroon who have joined the house staff we hope they enjoy their stay at B.G.G.S. Thanks to the Fifths for their gteat help and co-operation this yeat also Mr. and Mrs. Fancutt, for their interest in the Boarders and the tennis afternoons they ananged for lrs. \We wish the school ^ "Merry Christmas" and successful New Year; the Juniors and Seniors, good results and Mrs. MacDonald an enjoyable and carefree retirement.
Eatly this year we were deeply shocked bv the death of Mrs . Catt, our Head Boarding Mistress for many years. To her daughter and family we extend our deepest sympathy. BOARDERS' DIARY - 1970 26 th J anuary Boarders returned amongst them 25 neur girls all rarin' to go ! 3 7 st J anuary New Girls' Concert that's when we really got to know them. 14th February Our first, and last for awhile, dance at Momis Hall. "Oh what a nlght it was it really was !" 25tb February Interhouse Swimming Boarders victorious again ! \Won the B-oar tace) the freestyle relay and came second in the medley ! 7 tb March Combined Grammar dance in girls' gym.. 1ltb April Combined return Grammar dance in boys' gym . Horrific lighting effects and voluminous band ! Thanks to the boys for their hospit ality I Boarders' riotous annual picnic at Moogera Dam fabulous food and fun but oh the agony and the ecstasy ! Barbecue and obstacle race. Con- grats to Sheree Rich who came in an easy winner we of the Sixth followed about an hour later you can see from the photo that we were slightly ( ? ) delayed ! Dance and barbecue with B B.C. boarders our first mixed barbecue which we all agreed was a success. 13th April 25th April 30tb May
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