1969 School Magazine

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Sixth form . . . Sfhat image does that bring to your mind? Staid prudes, rigid law-enforcers, . . . or merely normal human beings ? Tflhatever your opinion about uS, there is one thing you cannot deny - we were at least active this year, Swimming, lifesaving, softball, volleyball, tennis, debating, athletics, geographical, historical and zoological excursions, 'the Formal', School Day, and most of all Senior so many things to claim out attention ! Especi ally active was that brave breed, the sportswomen: people like Vicki Harris, Sally McGah.y, Gwenda Bradford, Alison Bruce and Deborah Stevens ( captains ), who churned through the water at tremendous speeds in our school swimming squad, then had to be revived with praise and glucose tablets when they staggered groggily out of the pool. Vicki, Alison, Deborah ( B captaid and Sally were not defeated, however, by the thought of once more entering that freez- ing water and joined Janet Robson and Gwenda Bradford (both captains ), Janet Sflallace and Vicki Gehrmann in the frigid delights of life- saving. Many of these girls gave 'highly distinc- tive' performances. We find, however, that lun Hutchinson, Karen Byth, Jrdv Sflard and Megan Venton seemed to enjoy flying through the air after loose softballs better than wriggling through watet. Iun, Jrdv and Megan played basketball as well, and Christine Haigh, Janet \Wallace, Tania Gay, Myra Davis and Janet Findlay ( B captain ) jcined them. Our tennis enthusiasts did wonder- fully this year and every team won its pennant. Those sixths involved were Jane Robertson ( A captain ), Karen Byth, Ian McCracken (B captain ) and Deborah Hawkins (C captain ). Our athletics team, with Barbaru Jordan ( fleet-footed captain ) , Jennifer Barnett, Iun Hutchinson, Frances Little, Jane Robertson, Elizabeth Davidson, Phillipa Sharman, Alison Bruce, Jrdv rff/ard, Myra Davis and Annelle Lewis led the school ro win the interschool competition. In conmast, the volley- ball team and the gymnastic team are two whose fates still hang suspended. Good luck to Linda Wickh am, Alison May and Frances Little (collec- tivety called 'The Bie Punch' ), who are our volley- ball stars-to-b., and to Marilyn Miller, our grace- ful gymnast.

All this rnay lead ro the impression that we are entirely sporrsminded. It is not ffue. Robyn stacey and Roslyn Hughes, for example, r€pre- sented us at a History conference held near sydney. From all accounts, they had a wonderful time and learnt something.tool And it seems that the same statement applies to a group of girls who tavelled to coolurn on a Geography excursion. The Fruzer Island trip - not entirely zoologically orientated also yielded its store of inforrnation as well as pleasure. \We had able representation in matters of Language since Diana Marshall rolled her French r's with such nicety that, much ro our delight, she came third in a French cornpetition. The talents of Ann Mores and Susan Allen in the realms of English language were revealed to grear effect in their debating activities, while almost the whole sixth form showed their skill in the concert both on and behind the stage. 'The Formal' and School Day were two such special occasions that no extended mention of them is needed. Everyone helped and the results were srardingly effective. Photographs could not completely caprure the dif{erence of atmosphere when our gym changed frorn a bare, functional sporting-room ro a spacious ball-room hung with gold chandeliers, gold-frosted balloons and angelic cupids. And the happiness of School Day activity is an infectious, elusive thing that cannot be captured in r,vords. Perhaps our impressions of these events have been affected bv the fact that in six weeks we leave. Everything, all this rush of acdviry will be finished. No more uniforffis, no more routine run by bells, no more morning assemblies, no more form misffesses, no more forms. All gone. And when we do leave, finally, if seems that each of us will have sorne personal part of it all locked away inside us as in an amber stone of memory. But particularly, we will all remem- ber our form mistresses, Miss Patersor, Miss Thomas, Miss Elliott and Miss McNam ara, and our headmismess Mrs. McDonald and during her leave of absence, our Acting Headmismess, Miss Shaw. They tried to give us a little wisdorn to face the rvorld we are going to. We can only say : Thank you.

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