1969 School Magazine

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ffiesks $mffiemetrw ArfMc$erlcls Our. specialised service to Students. is streamtined to save time and to provide expert as.sistance in every phase of academic requiiement. With branches in Bri-sbane,. Rockhampton iiC iowndvifre the students of Queensland can obtafn their requisites quip.klv and prices aie ngrltt, ;diliii.ivr."cor*i"ndnsive.ii6iii-bl'ili tip* .f novels, autobiographieS, etc.,' atways availabi6. fre! caiirdeuii.'rre available on request. QueemsEeM Bee$s Seps* -Eg$!$mptOru 107 East st. T0wf{SVlu.E 275 Ftinders St.

Page Fifty-Six

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