1969 School Magazine

the Senior Public Examination in L968. It vlas an occasion we will all remember. L969 has been a hard-working but rewarding yeat. $fle express our thanks to both Mrs. McDonald and Miss Shaw, as well as to the members of staff., and wish everyone the best of luck for the coming examinations. Memy Christmas and a Prosperous New Year to all ! - D.M. & J.W.

their help at the Sixth Form Dance and for all ;ili; *"it throughout the past ye^r. The Dance, however, would ttot have been possible without ;# g"iJu"i" of Miss Shaw and the Staff and u/e ;;;;J- o,rr appreciation to them for making our evening such a memorable one' Cn 24th September the school was honout.a with a visit fiom the Premier:- Mf. Bjelke- Petersen, who pres€nted Rebecca Kugelmas with It-,. [,itt.V Medal , for gaining the highest pass in

Graduatlon EaXt tsallet at the School Concert

courtesy of the Courier-Mait)

-(bv Youth March in Commonwealth Week

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