1969 School Magazine
R**ds *,Mses
Once again the school tennis has enjoyed a
lane Robertson: Jane has been a good captain. Her dedication to practice and team spint were an inspiration to the girls. She played tennis of a high standard all the season. Jane's only weakness is in her second service. _ T.F. Results of lulatches ((A" f g6ru - B.G.G.S. v. St. Aidan's, won 48-18. B.G.G.S. v. Somerville House, won 40-28. B.G.G.S. v. Clavfield College, \Mon 4$-lj. B.G.G.S. v. W.S.H.S., u/on 4B-j. B.G.G.S. v. St. Margaret's, won 45-20. Premiership - B.G.G.S. v. B.S.H.S., tie 36-36. ((8" Team - B.G.G.S. v. St. Aidan's, won 48-21. B.G.G.S. v. Somerville House, won 3g-j7. B.G.G.S. v. Clayfield College, won 48-L0. B.G.G.S. v. Sil.S.H.S., won 48-4. B.G.G.S. v. St. Margaret's, won 3g-3j. Premiership - B.G.G,,S. v. I.G.G.S., won 48-1.3. B,G.G.S. v. Somerville House, won zj-Lg. B.G.G.S. v. Clayfield College, won 24-8. B.G.G.S. v. W.S.H.S., won 24-2 B.G.G.S. v. St. Maryaret's, won 24-8. Premiership - B.G.G.S. v. B.S.H.S., won 22-14. B.G.G.S. v. Somerville House, lost 8-24. B.G.G.S. v. Clayfield College, won 24-g; B.G.G.S. v. Str.S.H.S., won 24-4. B.G.G.S. v. St. Margaret's, won I5-1,j. Premiership - Sornerville House v. B.S.H.S., won bv Somerville House. "Grade 8" Team - B.G.G.S. v. St. Aidan's, lost L7-22. ((C)' Tea?n * B.G.G.S. v. St. Aidan's, won 24-9.
successful season.
In the premiership finals, the ((A" team had a most thrilling match with Brisbane State High, Grammar winning the last set 6-4 for a drautr. Thus the premiership honours were shared. The ((8" team under the captaincy of I^n McCracken, convincingly defeated Ipswich Girls' Gramrnar School , 48-13, while Deborah Hawkins led the ('C" team to a comfortable victory of 22-14 over Brisbane State High. The "Grade 8" team did not win sufficient matches to reach the final but, like all the teams showed enthusiasm and good school spirit. All the girls in the various tearns v/ere co- operative, played the game in ^ sporting manner and urere a credit to the school. The advice and interest of Mrs. Salzman was much appreciated. The- weekly matches she aff^nged proved good practice and contributed to our successes. The teams were fortunate to receive special coaching bv Mr. Fancutt, a former internaiional player, whose knowledge and experience are well known Thanks are extended to the Parents and Friends Association for providing the afternoon teas and to the girls who umpired and assisted in other v/ays. In a friendly and enjoyable match on School Day the c(A" tearn defeated the "Old Girls" bv 5 games. ft was an honour and pleasure to be Captain in 1969 and I wish success to future teams. _ J.R. ff orn Coiticisyn Wendy Parkinson; \Wendy is an experienced player wilh a good cross-courr foiehand, a sound volley and a reliable service. Her backhand could be improved. Karen Byth; Karen has an effective slice service supported bv sound ground strokes. Her volley needs to become more reliable. Heather Andreut : Heather possesses a good volley with a safe service, forehand and Sack- hand. She neeCs more attack in her game. - J.R.
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