1969 School Magazine

ffd* *"&g*$,see"see -d ilr" ,^$rir[on. Qirl" Qrornmcrr S"lrool MWKWffiWKR& For sonqtime flou stadents, and young people in general, haue been protesting about tltc state ol tbe world and its people. 'Ve baae been ilenouncing and destroying hitber-to rcspected traditions on the grounds that these castotTts are useless in today's society. In many instances no replacement has been suggested by our generation lor tbe social structilre ue haae torn doun. ' This proced.ure does not benelit society. If we demolish sometbing tbe result shoald be more usefurl than the demolished s*acture. U this is not so tben all ue baoe accomplished is an act of aandalism - leaaing the conrnunity poorer by our action. 'Wben ue attack sonetbine witb which ue cannot tgree ue rnast first deloe deeply into all aspects ol the situation. The tuture, as uell as tbe preseTtt, t?tust occupy oar tbougbts 4s ue deliberate/on tbe social structure. Perhaps that which ue denounce nou nay ba needed to lulfil its lanction in the luture as it has in tbe past. No-one can loretell tbe luture needs, material and spiritual, ol rnankind, but the seeds of the latare Iie in both tbe present and past. By destroying sontetbing ubicb, to tts, seeftts supefiicially inellicient or outdated ue rfta.y uell be ieopardizi.ng the luture ol th.e hurnan race. More and more we leel the need to saleguard the luture and' one tbougbtless act ol destruction ol sorne part ol the social stractule could mean tbe dillerence betueen greater achieuements by rnankind or obliuion. One, perhaps tbe only, uay ol iustifyine an attack or demolition of an accepted social structure is to saggest .another social stracture whicb uould perlorn the sorne function as tbe d.ernolished structure more elliciently and lrorn ubicb uould accrae greatff benelit lor mankind. In assessing the benefits, long terrn as well as sbort terrn, intangible as uell as naterial benelits should be considered. Il the suggestion is benelicial in all ways then ue are truly iustilied in attacking the old structure and presenting our fi,er.o structure in its place. Vhen mankind in gexeral and young people ifl particalar realize tbis then the lutare uill be more certain than it is at present. lf man can learn to look at bis social stractare witbout bias, accept the protests ol the loang, uho are the only people able to see society without inuoluernent, mankind will be able to benefit lron old and young alike witb all naking positiue contributions.

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