1969 School Magazine
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The earliest and perhaps most striking in- novation in the Council this yeat u/as the adoption of the idea of assigning one councillor to each forrn to be a link between the Council and the body of the school. Now , at the end, we all agree that this idea is really effective and gives more life to both the discussions and decisions in Council. AII of us hope that the same level of active participation as we had this year, will con- tinue. Through the form-councillors, the sixth form council is now approachable bv the school. It is up to the school to continue helping the sixths to help them. The following list shows all the changes in regulations that have been made in L96g : ( 1 ) The regulation length of the uniform is now five inches as measured from the floor when kneeling. (D The arer- about the fiction library is no longer 'out of bounds' at lunch-time. (3) tWatches may be wottt by the whole school on the conditions that they are clearly marked and that the owners realise that the
school accepts no responsibility for what- ever may happen. ( 4) Jumpers are now permissible as 'in- between seasons' outdoor weaf . ( 5 ) Sleeveless white dresses may now be worn at Speech night. ( 6 ) The aims of the Form VI Council were expanded and re-ananged and now stand as: (i ) To promote a sense of honour in the school whereby loyalty to that which is right, and self discipline, are encouraged. (ii ) To supplement the work of the Prefects in maintaining the order and discipline of the school. (iii ) To effect a liason between all sections of the school. (iv ) To seek interpretation and, where neces- sary, revision of the school rules. ( v ) To promote and to suggest ways and means of promoting the general welfare of the school
SCFTOOL COUNCIL (Left to Right) : Kaye Graysono Ann Moores, Susan NIen, Jo-anne Burton, Jill Baynes, Deborah l{awkins, Julie f{unter, Tania Gay, Julanne Watson, Lorraine Laurence. Mlddle Row (Left to Right) : Altson Bruce, Karen Byth, Robyn Stacey, Susan Spens€f,, Cheryl Smlth, fennlfer Sturgess, Jane Robertson, Margaret Maddlson, Vlckl Gehrmann, Janet Ftndlay, Gaye Jenson, Wendy McCaIIum, Alison May. Front Row (Idt to Rlght) r Allson Specht, Judlth Ward, Miss McNamara, Mlss Elllott, Mlss Shaw, MIss Thomas, Miss Paterson, Dlana Marshall,. Megan Venton. Back Row
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