1968 School Magazine

rMesscge fo Fcnenfs * As the pioneers of commercial Education in Australia, with over g0 years, experience, we feel ye afe qualified to give guidance to parents, a.d thJ best possible training in this field. Manual Shorthand-still the most f lexible, convenient and satisfactorv all-purpose system. (we introduced machine shortharJ r"t"'J"? schools over 40 years ago/ but discontinued it for various .u"rorri). Typewriting,. Bookkeeping, English, speech rraining, Deportn'rent, etc. our standards are high, and for this reason our students are in constanf demand. Requirements for enrolrnsnf 6rg- A good education, satislactory school and personal relerences, and a conscientious desire to become prolicient. For o.ppointment felephone 3l f627 STOTT"S SHCMruTANTAN, SCHOOL 290 ADETAIDE The Flrsf STOTT eollege Esrrolmenfs fon X969 reow being reeeived STR,EET BR.IS8AT{E ia! Austnalia was founded in 1883" ^ Our course is planned to enable girls, with to fill the most desirable positions in the BIG BETE}ITS if you outfit crt D.l.'s o c + sprecrd the cosl over lO monthg + or herve COllSfAXf CREDIT to f2OO Read these headlines again. Then think. . . Credit up to $200, and l0 mo.nths to pay! This could be q,iite a help - whether you've one'child to equip or a whole tribe. bJ", "ru geared to help you when you need it! lt's for this reason too, that the schoolweai department'stays op"r, "il year-staffed by people who really understand your special problem. Call in and try us ! Schooluear depart.ntents : 3rd. Floor Queen St., 2nd Floor T' C' Beirne's See oar lriendly Credit Ollicers on the 3rd Floor' both stores' the necessary".basic qualifications, busrness and professional fields.

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