1968 School Magazine

O* S"{"* ry/". "Top$,t John and the Jordan, Baptise in the Jordan, "Tbe uoice of one"-John Are you the aoice of one? They do not belieue, Some did, Yes I suppose some belieaed. Do I belieae? I read it, I uant to, I tell nzyseff it's true. But God nzade me And my mind uith me And inside .a srnall ignorant brain so frail. I can cornprehend nothing ol the pouer, mercy Loae ol God, Of a uast abstract state wbich is supre.rne. Looe ol us although tue're eail, Die lor us again, go on die \Yhat will we do- "The sarfte.''' _K. DENMAN (VIC) GIBSON


Sruutt It exists; a uital spark ol lile burning intensely, A lioing lorm breatbing golden dragon-fire, Throbbing with unbelieuable desire To eaade the ineoitable closeness ol imntortalTirne. Immane from fear; boldly struggling on, Courage uithout reasoltr, yet so strong And pure and free, Courage that uill alutays be To us, aoid of meaning-4 mystery Intricate speech of the uumbling earth! Wgaoe your hantble patb through your dim sbort hours Until the ladine copper-uimson llame inwardly touers, Grows faint, llickers and dies, Then gently unlold and spread your uystal rainbou win gs-shirnmerin g And lly past this muel uorld ol bitterness and hate Drawn on silently by tbe cold su.,ift hand ol late To a darkness, ouerllowing with cool, quiet peace.




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