1968 School Magazine

Next day we passed through Canbera and $any,- many miles later we arrived at the Cooma Travelodge. Here evervone raided the reception desk fot long-awaited mail, and ^ft., un .";"yrUf. meal,. dispersed to the uniis for an ."rtyii'niglrt. fn-- the morning we started off for' 'r-hrelbo Village. Apart from being stepped inJ mud, soaked and then frozen in the inolv "rrj i.., f enjoyed it very much. The skilift was extremely exhriaratrng and an experience f'm sure we will never forget-even those who, went right to the top: $7e thought the man was joking when he told us how brave we were in going to the top of the mountain. But he wasn't as .ir. ,oon forrnJ out when we were enveloped in a freezing bljzzatd rvhich reduced visibility io practically nll.

Mitchell. Library, and Art Gallery, they were practically p{pr-thin by the time 'ouruhopping spree had ended. The view fro- Svdn.y Hrbo.r, Bridge, was m_agnificent, even tt. ,figt i ,"lstiness over the city didn't spoil it. - On the way to Kempsey disaster befell Bus I tor the second time during the uip. It had broken down_ again! while ZO girls ^stayei at a motel somewhere outside of Ne-wcastl.,'th. ..r, went express to Brisbane-arriving about 2 o'clock in the afternoon. I am a little thinner now, fadded and shrunk but I_ can honestly say that all my frienJs and myself_thoroughly enjoyed the trip and without Mrs. Chowdhuruy, Mr. and Mrs. Timmermans, it could not have been possible. Everybody knows'vrhat a great responsibility it is to look a{ter 68 rvell manne..d ? r'w..i, angelic ? ? Grammar girls ! Just ask any pair of shoes. - "BIue Suede Shoes and a Grammar Girl,' Size l1*. per L.P. & E.M.

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. Arriving at Canberra we enjoyed the com_ 'I'he _ city of Canberra vras fascinating but not nearly as fascinatiing'as the Royal Milita"ry College of Duntroon. . S7e spent a very pleasant'morniig here and our thanks must go to Brigadier General and Mts. Fraser who made the visit possible. After a cruise on Lake Burley-Griffin, a visit to the \War Memorial Museum'and a tour of the vatious embassies we completed our tour of Can- berra and were ready foi the next stage of orr trip-Sydney. . .The mosr jntriguing thing about Sydney is its shops and of course, .neryone *urrt.d to iush abou_t madly, desperately mying to d..iJ. on suitable gifts to take home.- Havins mv soles worn down another l of an inch visiting the Page Thirty-Four forts of a frrlly-equipped motel "rli or..- "guin.

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