1968 School Magazine

ry{r" uftt*gozine "{ lfr" "$ru[o^u Grrf" Qroo*v'aav S"lr""[ EIDITONTAL Scbool spirit is sornething uhicb must be felt and cannot be forced. It draws a large number ol people togetber, knouing tbat they are all part ol one scbool, a school that they can be proud ol and respect. Spirit cannot be something whicb is discarded when tbe game bas been lost and assurned again wben the trophies are being won, it rtust be constant tbrougbout tbe successes and lailures ol school life. The lailures are few, the successes rnany, although they are not aluays oboious, enen to as. 'We olten tend to forget the happiness and tbe leelines of acbieaement, whether euerything in lit'e is rosy or whether it is merely the grasping of some piece ot' knowledge whicb had preaiously escaped us. Tbe trials are many and often there is no actual praise;'but euen tbe gestures of courtesy or belp to the under priuilegeri make us proud to knou we belong to a school uhich is willing to giue of itseU and it is suflicient to knou that we ltaue done our part lor our school. Happiness is there to be receiued by those uho always try to look on the bright side, because euery cloud DOES haae a siluer lining, eue./tr il it seems stiehtty tarnished at times - in time euerything uill turn out the way it should. Happiness olten shows itsetl by laughter and so the next ti.me you walk througb the grounds during a break, listen, laugbter is tbere. Fiae ol the most inqportafit years ol our liaes are spent at Grarntnar; years ol maturing anr) beginning to accept the sense ol responsibility ubich should be carried into our luture liues; years ol learning and meeting many people uha joined us in many hours of gaiety and lun; lalling all ouer a sports field, or merely gossiping uith us in the grounds. Responsibility is giuen where it is deseroed and those who take all they can lroru the scbool aithout giuing something ol tbemselaes, clflnot tespect and haae pride in our school and tbe fact that they, theruseloes are pat ol it. Tbete nust be strength in a school which can stand together worsbipping God; uorking lor a goal or cheering tbeir team to uictory. _L.M.

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