1968 School Magazine

(Left to Rtght): M. Andrew (Captaln), P. Robinson, M. Venton, L, Spender, J. Dickinson, S, Byth. Absent: J. Ward

Judy Judy played a very capable game. Her ball handling was good and on the vrhole she combined well with the team. Pam Robinson (Wing Attack) : Pam played vell though she could possibly combine with the centre slightly better. Her ball handljng was good, but she must learn to control her throw- ing. -V/ard (Assistant Goaler) :

Sue Byth (Cenue) : Sue played a very sound game. On the rvhole she combined well with the team, although at times she tended to be lazy. Lois Spender (Defence Assistant) : Lois played quite well, with some good jumping, aL- though her lack of height proved a disadvan- tage. Megan Venton ( Goalkeeper ) : Megan also jumped well, somewhat overcoming her shortness. Her game was good, but she could control her throwing. Margaret Andreu (Wing Defente): Margaret played a good game, but she should learn to iontrol piogression steps. She combined well and het jumping was good. -J.\7. Julie Dickensoz (Goaler) : Julie plaved a good game but her goaling at times was inconsist- .trt. She combined well but must learn to act more quickly from defence to attack.

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