1968 School Magazine
ffin***tru Cf*6 n-N*rc' Several of the members of the Dramatic Club have been very active this year, especially in "Pygmalion" and in "Husbands Supplied" produced {or "Play Night". Both these plays were very successful, particularly "Pygmalion", which was the third play produced by the com- bined drama groups of Boys' Grammar and Gids' Gtammar. f am sure all the girls who participated in these plays gained good experience and a greater insight into the world of the theatre. This year, to keep the dramatic spirit burn- ing sffongly and to broaden our limited know- ledge of drama, we invited a guest speaker, Ian Thomson, an experienced actor and producer, who gave a very interesting and amusing talk on "The Att of Being an Actor". I would like to thank Mrs. Bailey and Mrs. Knight for their interest and assistance through- out the year and Mrs. McDonald for her support and good wishes. I would also like to thank Christine Matheson, president; Suzanne Love, treasurer and the secretary for their hard work in running the Club. I wish the Club every success next year and I hope a strong love of the theatre vrill be con- tinued by members. So good luck and keep up your interest in acting' - HELEN sANDERcoE (vID)
In May and June this year, a combined Girls' and Boys' Grammar schools cast presented Pygmalion, by George Bernard Shaw. It was the third such joint performance produced by Mr, Farragher and NIr. Bryce, masters of the Boys' Grammar school, and was conducted as part of the Centenary celebrations of the Boys' School. Professot Higgins was played bv Phillip Edmiston, Eliza Doolittle by Christine Matheson, and Colonel Pickering by Gregory Parry. The main supporting cast included Mark Hamlyn as Doolittle, Dianne Stadhams as Mrs. Higgins, Fiona Dougall as Mrs. Pearce, Helen Sandercoe as Mrs. Eynsford Hill and Robyn Eggins and Robin James as Clara and Freddy Eynsfotd Hill. Several months of considerable effort was put into the production, but f am sure we all appreciated how many hours of pleasure we had gained as the nights of performance drew near. In conclusion I woqld like to express our sincete thanks for all that Mr. Bryce and Mt. Farragher did in producing and directing Pygmalion and making possible such an enjoyable experience.
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