1968 School Magazine
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Harper. The last of our items was an Itish folk tune, "I Flave a Bonnet". \(/e were invited to take part in a Civic Concert to be held in September, but unfortunate- ly we had to decline vrith much regret' On School Day we added "Crimond" to ou-r year's repettoire. ffe sang it,in three parts and, we will iem.mber it as our first item to the ac- companiment of our newly acquired organ. The accompanist was Codiss Gustavson' We are now preparing some new madrigals and enjoying our work. As always, our sincete thanks goes to Miss Frederick foi keeping us up to the mark and training us so well. _ c.c.
'il7e opened the year with an invitation to sirig at u .-ott..tt for the Senior Citizens' It vras hel"d in the Festival Hall one afternoon. As we rvere in the last part of the ptogramme' we arrived in plenty of time to enioy the items pre- sented bv ih. Senior Citizens themselves. \fhen our turn came, vre sang "Sing A Song- Of Six- pence", by Michael Diack (with- apologies to ifund.i).'iSummertime" from Gershwin's "Porgy and Besi", "Copenhagen" by Loesser, and one madrigal, "Seek .the Lord" by Thomas Ca.mpion. Our.next performance rrlas at Play Night in August. \7e repeated "Sing {. Song Of Sixpence" ".rJ "Cop.thagen", and added two songs ftom Gilbert and Sullivan's "Mikadb", "Three Little Maids", for trio and three part choir,-the trio beine i"tt.t Harper, Alison Hili and Alison Speclt,-and "The Moon and I", a solo by Janet
MADRIGAL CIIOIR Back Row (Left to Rlght) : J. Naylor, A. HiIl, E. Blnghm, B, Tumer, J. Harper, J. Bennev, S. Bourne, A. Specht, M. Herbert, M. PhitliPs. second Row: R. Prlddle, H. Hayes, C. Broughton, H. Marshal, Y. Moreton, J. Lees, L. Pitkeathly' D. Marshall, M. Thlele, P. Slatghter' Front Row: M' Philltps, H. Smdercoe, L. Roblnson, R. Hmscombe, J' stern, A. Rowlarids, P. Webber.
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