1968 School Magazine
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our house mistresses, Mrs. Fallon and Mrs. Middleton, who have only joined us this year and also Mrs. Stephenson and Miss \flalton for ail their help. I hbpe all Lillev House will ruork hard for tG succeis which I'm sure thev will have in future years - enthusiasm by a majority would ensure greater success, enjoyment and fellowship in all fields of school life. 'Woofu"tl r}t"*tu .-No*, Captain.' Margaret Andtew Vice Captains : tVendy Shaw, Joanne \7oolcock Sports CaPtain: lWendY Jones Debating.- Jeanette Howmann, Helen King Saue tbe Children Fund : Anne Rayner, Anna Beveridge This year, the gids of \X/oolcock House have enjoyed a fairly successful and pleasant year to- gether. Although we did not excel in any par- iicular field, thi members of the house displayed encouraging enthusiasm and endeavour in all that was tied. \fe were very pleased with our success in the Inter-house Swimming Competition, in which we came second, an improvement on last year's placing. \7e also fared well in the Inter-house Athletics, retaining last year's third position. Congratulations to Barbara Jordan .vho shared the Individual Points Trophy, together with Heather Page (Griffith ) and Suzanne Nixon (Griffith). Although we oirly gained fifth place in the closely contested Inter-house Singing Competition, the result rvas satisfactory as we were only six points behind Gibson House, the winner, and the response from the members of the house, espec- ially the younger ones, v/as very pleasing to see. The House extends its thanks to Alison Hill, the conductor, and its two pianists, Judith Secomb and Jeanette Howman for theit help and guid- ance. Unfortunately, the Senior debating team \pas eliminated in the first round, but we hope the Juniors will have better success in the next {ew weeks. Our volleyball team has done particularly well this year, teaching the finals, being defeated by Griffith only after a time extension. Again, the team work and house spirit of the members v/as commendable. Now that 1968 is drawing to a close, I would like to thank our house mistresses, Mrs. Stenders, Mrs. Kugelman, Mrs. \7illiams and Miss Trotter for their invaluable support and guidance in the running and organization of the house this year. Finally, I would like to wish \Toolcock House in the many years to come, the very best of good luck and success.
{;ff.y uHr*'u u-Norc' Ca7tain: Angela Trumbauer Vice Captains : Lois Spender, Batbara Hammer Sports Captain.' Kaylene Kleinschmidt Debating: Fiona Dougall, Susan BYth Saue the Children Furtd' : Jacqueline Menzies, Robin Cook 1968 has passed at a ,gallop . with Lillev Ho"r"'ilJtai"g iit pt^.., thanks to the.combined ;if"*" -oi [o""t. ,iirt..,"', house -officials and -.-l.tt. Miss Lilley's interest and -presence at ;;h;;-?;".,iottt hut t..t u source of inspiration and encouragement' Three cheers for England llouse who have U..n itr. ttuit oi thit years sporting events' Three ;hil ;t;; for our iwimming team who. came ;i;il-^f,;; a-determined effori, encouraged bv--a ;i;;; from our 1967 Caprain, Sue Squire' \7e ;;;;';;";J of Alison BruCe who won the OPen Freestyle ChamPionshiP. Again we managed second place in the Inter- ho,rr.^Ttit1.ti.t. MIny girls competed from the ffi;';;e--thou,J'eood sporlsmanship and .nthr-,riu.m. This attitude did much to spur us ;;-;;i v/as a contributing factor in our winning the Relay CuP. Lilley House reached the semi-finals in the t..r.ti, "ttd junior basket-ball and the senior f"^rG U"Iit.um plrv.d magnificentlv to win the birtttpt-*t ip. O"t'vollev ball team also played well, only being defeated in the {inals' We do not seem to be talented as far as inter-house singing is concerned but rre did try hard and .ame fonrth. Our Senior debating team ilAiil well and is in the semi-finals, but the Junior "team has not.yet- debated' ,Gymnastics and Lifesaving are to be finished and I am sure we will do vrell. Good interest has been shown in Michael Kakaso, out "Save the Children Fund" friend in Lesotho. He is a good correspondent and his letters help us to learn much about his country u"a i,t peopl.. Much thought a1-d- hard work tru. l..it prrt ino the "Save the Children Fund" this year, ispecially by Jacqueline Menzies our representativ.. W.- wiil soon be sending Michael his Christmas present. Many girls from our house have been in school t.utttJ. Special mention must be made of the keen participation and enthusiasm of our younger mimberi. They have, on tlre whole, -o.kid hard for the house and have done much towards its success. rWe would like to wish Mrs. McDonald a happy holiday next year and to thank her and
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