1968 School Magazine
Mrs. L. W. McDONALD, Headmistress
"-/y'lutsqge fro* tlru tHuoJr-ittness :
I commend to all readers this lirst "new look" editiorc ol the Brisbane Giils' Gramraar School magazine. It is not a netD rnagazine but it has a new format and will be published once a year instead ot' twice. The idea lo, this innoaation carne entirely lrom the girls. I congratulate the editor and sub-editors on tbeir enthusiasm, deter.mination and hard work, and the designer ol the couer on her original and attractiue desigrz, and tbank tbe stalf members lor their guidance. We must hoaeuer remernber that it is tbe quality of tbe original uork that is the hall mark ol a good magazine. I hope tbis will aluays be kept in mircd. I aish this new uenture eaery success.
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ry{r" uftt*gozine "{ lfr" "$ru[o^u Grrf" Qroo*v'aav S"lr""[ EIDITONTAL Scbool spirit is sornething uhicb must be felt and cannot be forced. It draws a large number ol people togetber, knouing tbat they are all part ol one scbool, a school that they can be proud ol and respect. Spirit cannot be something whicb is discarded when tbe game bas been lost and assurned again wben the trophies are being won, it rtust be constant tbrougbout tbe successes and lailures ol school life. The lailures are few, the successes rnany, although they are not aluays oboious, enen to as. 'We olten tend to forget the happiness and tbe leelines of acbieaement, whether euerything in lit'e is rosy or whether it is merely the grasping of some piece ot' knowledge whicb had preaiously escaped us. Tbe trials are many and often there is no actual praise;'but euen tbe gestures of courtesy or belp to the under priuilegeri make us proud to knou we belong to a school uhich is willing to giue of itseU and it is suflicient to knou that we ltaue done our part lor our school. Happiness is there to be receiued by those uho always try to look on the bright side, because euery cloud DOES haae a siluer lining, eue./tr il it seems stiehtty tarnished at times - in time euerything uill turn out the way it should. Happiness olten shows itsetl by laughter and so the next ti.me you walk througb the grounds during a break, listen, laugbter is tbere. Fiae ol the most inqportafit years ol our liaes are spent at Grarntnar; years ol maturing anr) beginning to accept the sense ol responsibility ubich should be carried into our luture liues; years ol learning and meeting many people uha joined us in many hours of gaiety and lun; lalling all ouer a sports field, or merely gossiping uith us in the grounds. Responsibility is giuen where it is deseroed and those who take all they can lroru the scbool aithout giuing something ol tbemselaes, clflnot tespect and haae pride in our school and tbe fact that they, theruseloes are pat ol it. Tbete nust be strength in a school which can stand together worsbipping God; uorking lor a goal or cheering tbeir team to uictory. _L.M.
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Inter-house Athletics. Mr. Spearritt kindly gave up his time to judge the Inter-house singing competition, placing Gibson House first. Once again in June, representatives of the school took part in the Annual Youth March through the city and the following day, the head- girls attended a Garden Party at Government House. Schoolday this year was most successful and was highlighted by the presentation of a Lowrey Organ by Mr. Leadbeater, in memory of the late Lady Douglas Fraser, an old girl of the school. rVe thank him sincerely for this precious gift. \7e also thank the Parents' and Friends' Association for their wonderful help throughout the year. In August the Parents' and Friends' Association again organized Careers Evening and we are also very grateful to the old girls who were councillors. As well as the Association we should like to thank Mrs. McDonald and members of staff for making our Sixth Form Dance a most enjoyable and memorable evening. This year a Sixth Form Council was intro- duced, consisting of five girls elected from each sixth form. The Council has contributed to the smooth running of the school. rWe are now looking forward to the inter- school and interhouse gymnastics as vrell as the public speaking competition. 1968 has been a hard working and success- ful year and we wish everyone good luck in their examinations. ril/e express our thanks to Mrs. McDonald and the staff and wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Prosperous New Year.
This year we welcomed Mrs. Barrett, Miss Brook, Mrs. Fallon, Mrs. Middleton, Mrs. Salzman, Mrs. Specht and Miss Trotter to the staff and said farewell to Mrs. Logan. \(/e were huppy to welcome Miss Moulsen for three sessions of practice teaching. This year was highlighted by the Duke of Edinburgh's visit to the Brisbane Grammar School in May to which our school vras invited. \We also combined with the Brisbane Grammar School to present "Pygmalion" at the beginning of second term. This was a gre^l success. At the end of second term our o$/n Playnight revealed a wealth of hidden talent. The second formers have enjoyed several A.B.C. concerts, while in May the Elizabethan Players entertained us with an anthology recital. A string quartet composed of the Queensland Symphony, delighted us with their music later in the year. During the year several interesting excur- sions to Highvale, Dunwich and Ugly Valley took place and were thoroughly enjoyed by all the girls. We would like to congratulate all those who have been successful scholastically :- Karen Bvth (VB) - the Robert Funnell Medal; Kay Grayson ( VB ) Secondary Schools' Club Scholarship; Leslie Downie (IIIC), Inta Kamols (IIIC), Anne Knyvett (IIIC), Margaret McGill ( IIIC ) and Julie Sharv ( IIIC) - J1u51sss' Scholatships. Fiona Greenwood (IIC), Amanda Greaves (IID) and Diana Marshall (VB) were successful in the French Verse speaking competition while Rebecca Kugelmas (VIB), Gail Evans (VC), Janet Robson (VC), Elizabeth Bingham (IVD), Elizabeth Bedford ( IVC ), Alison Don ( IIIC ), Mary Hoare (IIIC), Helen Hayes (IIIC) and Patricia Webber (IIIC) were successful in the German Verse speaking competition. Margaret Tonge (VIC ) and Kathleen Denman ( VIC ) gained first and second places respectively in a sculpture competition, while Adele \(/esterman u/on the Senior Dickens' Reading Prize. On the sportins field the girls displayed skill and we congratulate them on their many successes. We now take.this opportunity to thank all those schools with w\om we have competed. Our congratulations go td Brisbane State High School for winning the Iner-School Swimming and to St. Hilda's for winning the Athletics. Vithin the school, England House won swimming Cup as well as being successful in the the
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a "Sugar 'n Spice" stall; VIB staged a Fashion Parcdi; while-VlC and VID sold a varietv of things such as hot chips, sweets, flowers, and doughnuts - all vrere financially successful. \X/e wish all {orms luck in their final exam- inations, with special thoughts for Juniors and Seniors. To the coming Sixth - we hope our failures vdll be your successes. Merry Christmas - HuPPy New Year' ffufrl' -nrn* u-Norct As fifth-form enters the last and busiest term of all, on assessing the passing year, we all agree that 1968 vras one of the most demanding and yet rewarding years of our life at Grammar. The ipirit of active participation by fifth-formers could- be seen in all school activities, both academic and sporting. In the first majot Inter-school events of the year, the swimming and lifesaving carnivals, many iifth-for*.rc were representatives, with the most outstanding competitor being Gwenda Bradford (VD) - a member of the Queensland Lifesavins t.um. An enthusiastic contingent from fifth form competed in the Inter-school athletics car- nival at Lang Patk, where Barbara Jotdan of VA excelled in three memorable taces, for which she was awarded a Blue. Her team-mates in the Senior Circular Relay - Alison Bruce (VB) and- Myra Davis (VD) were each awarded full pockets.. Tennis has also had some able supporters from fifth form this year - we especially con- gratulate Jane Robertson (VA ) of the 'A' team and Karen Bvth (58) representing the 'B' team urhose tearns both won the premiership; while Debbie Hawkins (VC) captained the 'C' team of which Jan McCracken (VD) was also a mem- ber. In the basketball and softball teams, Jane Robertson, Jan Hutchinson ( VA ), Megan Ventor and Judy Ward of ( VB ) were outstanding, with Ianei Findlay ( VD ) deserving special mention lor her competent captaincy of the 'B' basketball team in their premietship victory. Fifth form competitors in vigorous ttaining for the Inter-school Gymnastics Competition at the moment are Marilyn Miller ( VA ) and Alison Bruce in the 'A' team, Diana Marshall (VB) and Julie Hunter (VC) - 'B' team and Susan Hanley (VC) of the 'C' team. N7e wish them every success and take this oppottunity to congtatulate Marilyn Miller, who has already distinguished herself in the Australian Gymnastic Titles. In the scholastic field, we are in the process of discovering a challenging Senior course. The
S;*rA ff*n* uNorc' Another Senior is approaching and suddenly we realize it is ours! Our five yeats al Grammar (we heralded a new era as the first second formets ) ate nearly over. lil/e would like to thank Mrs. McDonald and our form mistresses, Miss Elliott, Miss Thomas, Miss McNamata and Miss Paterson for their support and guidance during the year. This year sav/ the inauguration of the school council, consisting of Mrs. McDonald, our form mistresses, the prefects and twenty councillors. Despite minor growing pains, we feel that the practical implemintation of this scheme has been iuccessful, and we sincerely hope that future years will see an even greater improvement in the council's accomplishments. Congratulations must go to house- captains and prefects for the smooth way in which they discharged their duties which involved personal sacrifice too. Our new look magazine is due latgely to the industry of its editors, Lesley Mugglestone, Matgaret Phillips and Margaret Tonge. T'hey are to be praised for their inspired efforts, Names in lights this year were Christine "Eliza" Matheson, Fiona Dougall and Helen "Mrs. Eynsfor&Hilll' Sandercoe. Their dramatic abilities provided us with some wonderful enter- tainment. Our budding Michaelangeloes, Matgaret Tonge and Kathleen Denman vron Lst and 2nd prizes in the Polyfilla Sculpture Competition - $tOO and $50; and Fiona Dougall has won a ptize in the recent Queensland Geography .Con- iesf. Congratulations io these girls and also those who have gained athletics awards. On the sports field, we noticed Margaret Andrew and Pamela Robinson as Captain and Vice-captain of the athletics and 'A' basketball. Deborah Verner and Rhonda Evans were captains of the 'A' and 'B' softball. Lesley Collins and Barbam Trotter ably led' the swimming team. Susan Parkinson and Angela Trumbauer captained the 'A' and 'B' tennis teams. Our school dance was a wonderful success. The hall looked beauti{ul, decorated as it was in a black/pink/white theme with flowers,.lanterns and balioons. H."tty thanks to \ilendy Shaw and her committee for their excellent organization. School Day was most enjoyable and saw a variety of ideas from our forms. VIA conducted
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Tunior Examinations had several unexpected iewurds for some girls this year in the {orm of scholarships and bursaries. Hearty congratulations must go to Karen Byth and Kaye Grayson of VB who rvon the Robert Funnel Memorial Prize and the Queensland Girls' Secondary Schools Club Bursary, respectively, bringing both these highlv- pfized awards to our school for the second year in succession; to 'Wendy McCallum (VB) - a recipient of the Gowrie Scholarship and Adele \)/esterman ( VC ), the winner of a Rotary Scholarship to America, where she will study for the next year. rilfe are certain that Adele vrill be an excellent ambassador fot Australia among the people of Sparta, New Jersey. Successful bursary winners were Susan Allen, Kay Austin of VB and Lee Atkins, Jo-Anne Burton and Gayle Evans of VC, with congratulations to all Commonwealth Scholarship holders. In the poetry competitions held for French and German students, Diana Marshall reached a high standard in the Alliance Francaise Com- petition when she gained second place, while Gayle Evans was awarded third prize by the Goethe Society. Janet Robson of VC followed closely behind with an Honourable Mention. In the area o{ spoken English, Adele \Testerman excelled in winning the Senior Section of the Dicken's Fellowship Competition, while com- petent speakers in the debating teams were Adele and Alison Specht (VB ) of the 'A' grade team, with Sue Allen and Ann Mootes (VB) as mem- bers of the successful 'B' grade team. As an extension of their studies, a few fifth form students demonsttated their ability in Geography and Science proiect competitions. Susan Spenset (VA) and Roslyn Huehes (VC) 'isere our representatives at the Australian History Conference held in Mossvale, New South Wales, which gave them an insight into a stimulating approach to history. \0e have much for which to thank out forn mistresses, Mrs. Imhoff (VA), Mrs. Kugelman (VB), Mrs. Williams (VC) and Miss Neil (VD) - their assistance in the organization of our School Day stalls and form proiects, and par- ticulatly for guiding us in our search for the more mature sense of responsibility and self-discipline, requited in sixth-formers. Our thoughts will be rvith the Junior and Senior candidates at jacamnda time, and finally we wish Mrs. McDonald, the sta{f and our fellow students a Merry Christmas and the most enjoyable of holidays.
ffr*o#o ffo**, o-Norcr We fourth formers have had a busy and successful year although it is with some doubt and trepidation that we look towards the end of it. Our representatives have had successes in many school activities and all of them are to be con- gratulated. Many fourth formers participated in basket- ball, softball, swimming, athletics, tennis and gymnastics. Our congratulations go to Julie Dickinson and Susan Byth who were both in the "A" softball and basketball teams, and also to Susan Byth, the Intermediate athletics captain, !7endy Parkinson who was in the "A" tennis team and Ingrid Hill who was in the "A" gym- nastics team. In more cultural fields, Cecily Greaves was chosen for the "A" debating team, while Elizabeth Bedford and Elizabeth Bingham gained places in the German Poetry competition. On School Day the stalls, Mocca Disc in IVA, Sugar Shack in IVB, Hot Dogs in IVC and the Nut House in IVD were successful. The day proved most enjoyable and rewarding. lWe would like to thank Mr. Broughton of B.G.S. who organized a screening of "Henry V", our Junior play, in our gymnasium. !7e would like to express our thanks to our mistresses who accompanied us on our geology excursion which we enjoyed very much. Also we rvould like to thank Mrs. MacDonald and all members of staff, especially our form mistresses, Mrs. McCorvan, Miss Valton, Miss Hebden and Mrs. Middleton, for the invaluable help they have given us during the year. ril7e wish the Senior Students success in their examinations and wish the school and members of staff a very Merry Christmas. il,i,J Jo,n- .-Nou, This year has been a most successful and enjoyable one for all Third Fotms. Ve proudly announce that this year five girls won Trustees' Scholarships. They are Lesley Downie, Inta
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Kamols, Ann Knyvett, Margaret McGill and Julie Shavr, all of IIIC. School Day was a great success for all forms, each having entirely different ideas for their stalls. In sporting activities, Ann 'il7est (IIIA) won the 75 yards, 13 years, and Margaret Marriott (IiID), set the record for the Junior Shotput at the Inter-school sports. Narelle Kleinschmidt (IIIA) gained first place in the resuscitation in the Inter-school Lifesaving Competition. Congratulations to Pauline Harvey ( IIIB ), Margaret Maniott (IIID), Ruth Nielsen (IIIB), and Margaret Sockhill ( IIID) who ryere in the {(B" grade Basketball Team which won the Premiership. In the German Poetry Comperition, Patricia Webber (IIIC), gained third place and Alison Don (IIIC), Helen Hayes (IIIC) and Margaret Hoare ( IIIC ) were highly commended. We would like to thank, for their help and guidance, our form mistresses, Miss Horton (IIIA), Mrs. Stephenson (IIIB), Mrs. Carseldine (IIIC) and Mrs. Chowdhury (IIID), and the prefects and councillors. Lastly we would like to wish the Junior and Senior Forms luck in their forthcoming examina- tions, and the whole school a Meruy Christmas and Happy New Year. ,St"o*J ]rrro u-No*r We shall remember our first year at Brisbane Gitls' Grammar School as a happy one, helped by the staff and older girls. Our special thanks go to the form mistresses, Mrs. Fallon (IIA), Miss Brook (IIB), Miss Trotter (IIC) and Mrs. Catt (IID). Also our congratulations go to Miss Brook on her engageinent and we wish her all the happiness in the future. All the girls enjoyed School Day and this year the Second Form stalls were most successful. Each form was .well represented in school teams for various sports. Girls who have excelled themselves are: Deborah Handley (swimming), Roslyn Miller ( gymnastics ), Suzanne Nixon ( athletics ). \We would like to congratulate the Sth grade basketball team and their captain, Jane Allen. Although the tennis team did not win the premiership, the team, captained by Souraya Mirob, tried very hard.
Fiona Greenwood and Amanda Greaves did rvell in gaining places in the French Reading Competition. Lastly we would like to wish the Junior and Senior girls the best of luck in their coming examinations.
F. DougaII, VIA, and M, Tonge, Prize Winning Sculpture in the
VIC, wtth Margaret's Flrst Polyfilta Modelling Contest.
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and will be used to furnish our new recreation room. The sixth formers have had many pleasant outings on their own. \7e were shown over International House by Mr. and Mrs. Cribb, and this proved an incentive for many of us to further our education. Other outings v/ere to see the film of the ballet - "ftsmss and Juliet" and also "Guess \fho's Coming to Dinner". The boarders may make up a small propor- tion of the school, but they showed their athletic ability by contributing a large number of girls to the school athletics team. In spite of the fact that few boarders managed to narrowly defeat the day school in the Boarders v. Day Girls relay. Early this year we were unfottunate to lose Miss Addison, who had been our matron for many years, and we express our sympathy with her telatives. Miss Drummond kindly consented to fill the position for some weeks, until Miss Cousin, the present matron, to whom we extend a welcome, took over the responsibility. Anothet change in staff was when Miss Hatton entered the Boarding School aftet Miss Johnson left towards the end of second term. The Boarders welcomed Miss Jones, who was a new mistress at the beginning of the year; v/e vrould like to wish Miss Jones and Miss Jull, who are leaving at the end of the year, the best of luck in the future. \7e wish Mrs. McDonald, Mrs. Catt, and all resident staff members a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, and thank them for their help during 1968. _r.w.c.
L968 has been a happy year for the boarders, and now that it is once more time to write the Boarders' Notes, there is a lot to lsmgrn[s1 - dances, picnics, swimming and athletics. In first term, \t'e were honoured to receive a visit from the new Dean of St. John's Cathedral, the Reverend C. Muschamp. After giving a short talk on his former position as Bishop of Kal- goorlie, the Dean was taken on a tour of the school. I Among the social activities, the boarders attended one dance at C.E.G.S., and held three in our gymnasium with various boys' schools. \ile also went to a film evening and a concert at the Boys Grammar School. At the end of second t.r*, ih. sixth form boarders were very excited at the prospect of the approaching sixth form dance, which was one of the most successful dances ever held. These functions are very popu- lat, and we sincerely thank Mrs. Catt and Miss \Thittaker for their work for the pre-formal paty as well as fot the sevetal other dances of the year. Moogera Dam was the chosen site for the Boarders Picnic this year. The v/eather was ideal, and after a barbecue lunch we relaxed or went for walks around the Dam. Later in the after- noon a local historian, Mr. Kraus, talked to us about some of the foremost pioneers in the area, telling us interesting stories about their lives. The boarders stall in third term consisted of articles made by the gids and their parents, and raised a large sum of money. Together with the proceeds from the last boarders stall, the money earned this year at School Day now totals $697
STAFF Headrnistress : Mrs. L. W. McDonald; Second Mistress : Miss Thomas
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Mrs. Chowdhury and Miss Horton. \7e thank them for their untiring enthusiasm and encourage- ment; their advice and constant interest in the House, in its various sporting and cultural activities and wish them a very H"ppy Christmas. May England never fall frorn the position it has reached in 1968. If the members of England help the leaders of the House as they have this year, we need have no fears. Best of luck for the future' - L,c. Q;A'o* tM**u" uXorc' Captain; Megan Thomas Vice Captains: Mary Henzell, Chtistine Matheson Sports Captain: Catherine Woodfield Debating: Christine Matheson, Diane Stadhams Saue tbe Children Fund Julie Hunter, Jacqueline Nissen 1968 has been an enjoyable year for the members of Gibson House. Although only one outstanding success has come our way, house spirit has been strong. \7e were not the biggest fish in the pool this year, but our team swam well and tried hard ^t the Inter-house Swimming Carnival. Out- standing competitors for Gibson were, Megan Thomas, who broke the standing record in her age breasttoke race, Barbara Bingemann and Lesley Cameron. Even though we had plenty of willing par- ticipants in the Tennis, Volleyball and Basketball teams this year, success did not come oui way. In Athletics, too, we did not shine, but, despite the willing efforts of the team, gained fifth place. We will be striving to retain the Gymnastics Cup we won last year in the coming fnter-house Gymnastics Competition. All members of our team are training hard. May their efforts be rewarded with success. On the cultural side our major activity has been the Inter-house Choral Competition. i{".., after an excellent performance by all the choirs, we were thrilled to learn that we had won. Congratulations and thanks must go to Diana Marshall and Thea Faragher for their leadership of the choir. Our debating teams will soon be competing in the Inter-house Competition and I wish them the best of luck. \We are still in contact with Abhaya Ruma Parasnis, an Indian boy we sponsor through the "Save the Children Fund". A sum of money
&ngfq',ed uM**'u o-N*rc' CaPtain: Lesley Collins Vice Captains: Elizabeth Marriott, Wendy Dixon Sports Captain: \7endy Dixon Debating; Adele lWesterman; Robyn Eggins Saue the Children Fund : Pamela S(/atson, Valerie Richards For England , 1968 hu, b..n a most success- ful and enioyable year. Competition has been keen and the top places well sought after. This healthy rivalry has brought out a house spirit in many girls, but there are still too many not pull- ing their weight. Inter-house competition began with swim- ming, which we won only narrowly from \)Toolcock. Each girl, either strong or weak, who swam for England, deserves congratulations, for it is not the girl who wins but the team. Athletics proved as successful as swimming for we gained first place. Once again, it was enthusiastic team work which won the day for us. The basketball was close, and the Senior team was beaten in the final by Lilley after a hard but well played match. The Junior team 'il/on their final and ptaise from the House, after so many days of hard practice. Volleyball, whlch each year proves to be England's downfall, lived up to its depressive reputation, but this failure was balanced by success in the finals of the tennis. Thanks must go to Susan Parkinson for all her help here. Debating has begun and we wish our team members all the best of luck. The house choir, under the experienced leadership of Alison Specht was placed second to Gibson in the Annual Choral competition. All choirs sang well and deserved the praise given to them bv the adjudicator, Mr. Spearritt. fnter-house gym- nastics have still to be contested and this com- petition should prove to be enjoyable both to competitors and spectators. England House is sponsoring a new girl in Korea. Her name is Kim Kyerng Bok, and she is thirteen years old. \X/e are sending to her, ten dollats for Christmas. Pamela S7atson has teceived several appreciative letters from Ku Ki-sun to whom the house is sending birthday and Christmas greetings. The 1968 notes could not be complete with- out thanking the girls, who willingly paticipated in house activities. We are most grateful to Wendy Dixon and Elizabeth Marriott for all their assistance and sound advice. The House sincerely thanks Mrs. McDonald and our house misttesses, Miss Thomas, Miss Elliott, Miss Neil,
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opposition this year. For a while, it seemed as if we might win the tennis but in the final set of the match against Lilley, Griffith was narrowly defeated. The Senior basketball team lost to Lilley in the semi-finals, and the Junior team lost to England in the (inals. Both were very close and exciting games and our congratulations go to these houses for their well deserved rvins. - Although general enthusiasm and regularity in Griffith singing practices were surprisingly better than in 1,967, the standard of competition was higher and Gibson's first place and Griffith's third. place were separated by a mere three marks. nfe sincetely thank Corliss Gustavson and Susan Patterson for their helpful advice and conscien- tious work throughout the competition. \lfith third term novr underway, we are eagerly awaiting the oncoming gymnastic com- petition and the second round of debates. Our Senior team recently scored a victory over lToolcock and are eager to repeat this in the next round. Out Junior debating team has not yet voiced its views but should do so in the near future. So, as the competitions of 1968 draw to a close, I would like to udsh the debating and gymnastic teams the very best of luck and would also like to thank the entire house for its keen interest and constant support in all fields. Griffith House is sponsoring Cecelia Ratsowi of Lesotho, Basutoland, again this year through the "Save the Children Fund". Our Senior S.C.F. representative, Susan Pattetson, has written to her and at the moment is collecting from the house to send Cecelia a Clrristmas present. fn conclusion, may I, on behalf of the house, thank Mrs. McDonald and the house mistresses, Miss Paterson, Mrs. Imhoff, Mrs. Knight and Miss Brook for their guidance and inspiration throughout the year, and extend all my best wishes for luck and success to. Griffith House in 1969.
has been sent to him as a Christmas-present and ;; -;;;"; compiling a scrap book of Australiana for leirn. ^"^ -Tfr. vear is now dtavring to a close and I *r.,,rtJ -iik. to take this opportunity to thank the o,tt.t- Hout. Officials, Mary Henzell,- Ctthetine Wolafiaa, Christine Matheson and Barbara i;;;* who have willinglv assisted me through- o"i-it. y.ut. Our thanks and apprecial-ion also .^ t" .,rrr House Mistresses: Miss McNamata, MirrJl.Ua.n, Mrs. Carseldine and Miss Piper. I *""ta dso like to thank Mrs. McDonald and the ,oorlt .itttesses who have given us help and iriJrn.. throughout the Year. I would like to utish the Juniors and Seniots the best of luck in their Public Examinations. Mu eood wishes also go to the Fifth Fotmers vrho -iit U. taking over house duties soon. Finally I wish a very merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year to everyone. May L969 be another successful year for Gibson House. Q,;ff;{. uHo*u ,.-Nou' CaPtain: Deborah Vetner Vice Captains : Robyn Day, Lesley Mugglestone Sports CaPtain; Robyn DaY Debating: Jane Pike, Dinah Priestley Saoe the Children Fund : Susan Patterson, Desley Gtaham Once again, we Griffithites can look back on a year of unlimited enthusiasm and limited success. Yet 1968 has been a more even year as far as competition results are concerned with no dead last places, one exciting win and the rest comfortably in between. nile began the year's competitions with the swimming carnival and as usual, we were more inclined to sink than swim. Our swimmers failed to qualify for any of the cups but as a team they managed to gain a creditable fourth place, proving that the talent was there but not fully developed as yet. In the Athletics carnival, although gaining another fourth place, our individual talent shone thtough. We congratulate Suzanne Nixon and Heather Page who shared a cup with Barban Jordan for gaining the highest individual points in the carnival. One other achietrement we can well be proud of is a record breaking discus throw by second fotmer, Soroya Marob. However, we did live up to our old reputation of general sluggishness in the sprints. Griffith's only win so far this year has been in the Volleyball, where our team defeated Voolcock in the finals. The tennis and basketball teams played very creditably against the tough
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our house mistresses, Mrs. Fallon and Mrs. Middleton, who have only joined us this year and also Mrs. Stephenson and Miss \flalton for ail their help. I hbpe all Lillev House will ruork hard for tG succeis which I'm sure thev will have in future years - enthusiasm by a majority would ensure greater success, enjoyment and fellowship in all fields of school life. 'Woofu"tl r}t"*tu .-No*, Captain.' Margaret Andtew Vice Captains : tVendy Shaw, Joanne \7oolcock Sports CaPtain: lWendY Jones Debating.- Jeanette Howmann, Helen King Saue tbe Children Fund : Anne Rayner, Anna Beveridge This year, the gids of \X/oolcock House have enjoyed a fairly successful and pleasant year to- gether. Although we did not excel in any par- iicular field, thi members of the house displayed encouraging enthusiasm and endeavour in all that was tied. \fe were very pleased with our success in the Inter-house Swimming Competition, in which we came second, an improvement on last year's placing. \7e also fared well in the Inter-house Athletics, retaining last year's third position. Congratulations to Barbara Jordan .vho shared the Individual Points Trophy, together with Heather Page (Griffith ) and Suzanne Nixon (Griffith). Although we oirly gained fifth place in the closely contested Inter-house Singing Competition, the result rvas satisfactory as we were only six points behind Gibson House, the winner, and the response from the members of the house, espec- ially the younger ones, v/as very pleasing to see. The House extends its thanks to Alison Hill, the conductor, and its two pianists, Judith Secomb and Jeanette Howman for theit help and guid- ance. Unfortunately, the Senior debating team \pas eliminated in the first round, but we hope the Juniors will have better success in the next {ew weeks. Our volleyball team has done particularly well this year, teaching the finals, being defeated by Griffith only after a time extension. Again, the team work and house spirit of the members v/as commendable. Now that 1968 is drawing to a close, I would like to thank our house mistresses, Mrs. Stenders, Mrs. Kugelman, Mrs. \7illiams and Miss Trotter for their invaluable support and guidance in the running and organization of the house this year. Finally, I would like to wish \Toolcock House in the many years to come, the very best of good luck and success.
{;ff.y uHr*'u u-Norc' Ca7tain: Angela Trumbauer Vice Captains : Lois Spender, Batbara Hammer Sports Captain.' Kaylene Kleinschmidt Debating: Fiona Dougall, Susan BYth Saue the Children Furtd' : Jacqueline Menzies, Robin Cook 1968 has passed at a ,gallop . with Lillev Ho"r"'ilJtai"g iit pt^.., thanks to the.combined ;if"*" -oi [o""t. ,iirt..,"', house -officials and -.-l.tt. Miss Lilley's interest and -presence at ;;h;;-?;".,iottt hut t..t u source of inspiration and encouragement' Three cheers for England llouse who have U..n itr. ttuit oi thit years sporting events' Three ;hil ;t;; for our iwimming team who. came ;i;il-^f,;; a-determined effori, encouraged bv--a ;i;;; from our 1967 Caprain, Sue Squire' \7e ;;;;';;";J of Alison BruCe who won the OPen Freestyle ChamPionshiP. Again we managed second place in the Inter- ho,rr.^Ttit1.ti.t. MIny girls competed from the ffi;';;e--thou,J'eood sporlsmanship and .nthr-,riu.m. This attitude did much to spur us ;;-;;i v/as a contributing factor in our winning the Relay CuP. Lilley House reached the semi-finals in the t..r.ti, "ttd junior basket-ball and the senior f"^rG U"Iit.um plrv.d magnificentlv to win the birtttpt-*t ip. O"t'vollev ball team also played well, only being defeated in the {inals' We do not seem to be talented as far as inter-house singing is concerned but rre did try hard and .ame fonrth. Our Senior debating team ilAiil well and is in the semi-finals, but the Junior "team has not.yet- debated' ,Gymnastics and Lifesaving are to be finished and I am sure we will do vrell. Good interest has been shown in Michael Kakaso, out "Save the Children Fund" friend in Lesotho. He is a good correspondent and his letters help us to learn much about his country u"a i,t peopl.. Much thought a1-d- hard work tru. l..it prrt ino the "Save the Children Fund" this year, ispecially by Jacqueline Menzies our representativ.. W.- wiil soon be sending Michael his Christmas present. Many girls from our house have been in school t.utttJ. Special mention must be made of the keen participation and enthusiasm of our younger mimberi. They have, on tlre whole, -o.kid hard for the house and have done much towards its success. rWe would like to wish Mrs. McDonald a happy holiday next year and to thank her and
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the work of the pre{ects in maintaining the order and discipline of the school; to effect a liason betvreen all sections of the school; to seek inter- pretation and, where necessary tevision of the school rules and to promote and to suggest ways and means of promoting the general welfare of the school.
This year -the .School Council was brought i"ro Jp.tuiion for the first time' It was decided ;'h;;;;-;""cil should consist of Mrs' McDonald' ii,"'ri.inl.tm mis.tresses, the pre{ects and twenty councillors, five elected trom each rorm' The aims of the council are to supplement
THE SCHOOL COUNCIL Back Row (Left to Right): P. Roblnson, E. Dewar, M. Thomas, B' GraY, M. Stehr, M. Tonge, P. Watson, W. Shaw, M. Sears, L, Speuder. Middle Row: R. Day, F. DougaII' J. Woolcock, P. Fitzgerald, J. Menzies, M' Henzell, L. Collins, W. Stone, M. Phillips. Front Row: J. Secomb, W. Jones, M. Andrew, M. Allen, J. SeIIars, D. Verner, A. Trumbauer, T. Gunn.
PREFECTS Back Row (Left to Right) : M. Andrew, T. Gunn, W. Jones, A. Trumbauer, Front Row : D. Vemer, J. Sellars & M. Allen (Head Girls).
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K;&-@v& &*rc' 1968 has seen anothet year of progress and the continued expansion of our school library, under the guidance of Mrs. Needham, and with the help of Mrs. Riggs. Mrs. Riggs joined the library staff this year and helps Mrs. Needham as a reasurer and assistant librarian. \7e are grateful to the library representatives and the Book Binding Club for their service in the organization of the library and special thanks are due to Penelope Price who leads the Juniot school in looking after the fiction library. Recent- ly we enjoyed a tour over the University library, otganized for us by Mrs. Needham, which proved both interesting and enlightening. An event of considerable interest has been the discovery that we possess eight very rare early Australian botany books written by F. Manson Bailey. Mr. Thompson has kindly rebound them for us and they now form a valuable part of our collection' The Beanland Memorial Library, already of a creditably high standard, looks forwatd to a bright future owing to the vzork of Mfs. Needham, Mrs. Riggs, and all those who con- tribute to its successful existence as a necessafy Part of- the School' - F. L. DoucALL
1,/rr f,**u At the beginning of the year, Vox seemed doomed never to see the light of day, but after a good deal of perseverence on the part of all concetned, the first edition appeared late in May' After all the delay, there was quite a change in the form of Vox. This yeat Vox has been published on a single sheet of foolscap, and because it is smaller than in former years we uied to publish it mote often. It has been oryanized by a staff of sixth and fi{th formers, each of whom chose to be especially involved in a particular section. In this way' we have had some regular features such as film, book, and play teviews and the "Horror-scope". This system has worked quite successfully, but the flow of original contributions, especially from the lower school, has been virtually non- existent since mid second term. I am sure many more girls could find the time to sit down and write,something for Vox. Finally, I would like to very much for all het help throughout the year. thank Miss tWalton and encouragement
- J.S. (vrc)
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The "8" team has won all its debates except for one which they lost by two points against - Kedron State High. Both teams. have debated against various ,.hoolr. -it.l,,tding th. above mentioned and St' fiim- Att Hallori's Convent, Bridgidine Corivent, b;i;b;;. G.ammar School and the Brisbane Bovs' "C.i.g.. \We ioined Bridgidine and the Bovs' Grammar School in a very enjoyable drscusslon evening eadier this term. Our Inter-house debates are now under way' Last, but not least, I must thank Miss Neil and Miss Brook for their much appteciated assistance to debating team membets and to. the club in genetal' -A,-rso*spEcHr (vB)
The Debating Club has had a g-oqd vear this round of xnter-school The school teams have done vrell this year " t...iu.d t*ttllent advice .from their liirai*r".t in various Apex, Q'ld' Debating Club lnJ ro.iul debates. The "A" team members are: iVlri"n^ft4.Cttt"rn, Cecilv Greaves. and Alison #;hi. ttit. tt. "8" team consists of Ann if;;;. i".t" ett." and Susan Bvth ( in otder of #;d;t. Ad.l. \{/esterm,an, -the -former "A" ii^- ,tti.a speaker has just le{t.for the U'S'A' on a Rotary scholarship, so we shall miss her' .The "A" team has won four of its six debates, losing one by only one point -against e;;G i.-t".. and the other defeat was bv Mt' aivi*iu, the eventual winnet of the, Apex debates. "na ftri. ""r, .viitJ* enilrtaining and Inter-house debates'
7:;ir* : lCt.€::42..:.::i. DEBATING TEAM Back Row (teft to Right): Susan Allen, Ann Mogl:s' Margaret Front Row: Alison Specht, Wendv McCallm' Cealv Greaves' Mlssing: Adele Westeman.
Hall' Susan Byth'
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topical subjects. Many of the- subjects .we dis- .,rired were basic, such as "\ilho is God?", "Is Jesus the Son of God?", and .so-on' but more iontroversial topics vrere tackled' These included Student Rights, the question of Vietnam, mercy killing and countless others. On the whole, it has been an extremely eventful year, andwe hope that next year's S.C'M' is backei up'by membeis as enth.tsiastic as they were this yeat - good luck! - C.M. (SecretarY), S.C.M' S'iu^"u C{il '-Norc' At the beginning of the year the Science Club started ofiquite-well with a fair number of enthusiastic rn.rnb.tt. The programme included such items as a btains uust with the science mistresses as the panel, a guest speaker from the museum and a iaxidermist who brought along specimens to show us as well as giving a very enjoyable talk. Unfortunately, owing to time- table problems, only a few sixth formers were able to visit the University science display- But as always, those who went enjoyed it very much. This year for School Day the Science Club decided to let off a hot air balloon instead of putting on the usual display. I am sotry to say thrt vrh.n work on the balloon started, the num- ber of enthusiastic members dwindled' Practically the only supporters were four girls from VB, a few girli frorn II, III and VI forms and of clurse, Mrs.-Kugelman' But those rrho helped, wol'ked hard utd despite a hoarde of glue hungry cockroaches the balloon was ready to go up on School Day. The balloon was ready, we v/ere ready, the audience was teady, but so, too, was the wind. After a few rips and a near kazzled balloon, we gave up. But one day in .the near future when ihe wind is not strong we'll send it up and surprise everyone! (\X/e hope)' And now I can take this opportunity to thank the people who have helped in the past ,r""r. Firstlv I want to thank the science teachers ior their aid and encouragement, and especially , Mrs. Kugelman who willingly gave- -up many lunch hours to help us. Mrs' McDonald too, has ,ho*t an interest in our affairs and has advised us. Sincere thanks also to our secretary, Diana Marshall and to a few other members (they know who they are ) who worked far harder than might be expected of them. To my successor next year I leave my !-eqt wishes and hope that next year, the Science Club will be better than ever.
"q*S.C"-1. *-N"rc' The Inter-School Christian Fellowship this -frequent .lru"g.t of our counsellors.' However, I do feel th^t "*. are at last regaining our feet. We legan ;h; y;^; ""a.t ttt. .uiubl" guidance of an old gitl oi ,h. school, Mts. Elvery,lnd we thank her for all her help and advice to us. From the beginning of second term. we have been conducting the mietings by ourselves with assistance from Miss Glenys Palmer in the pre- paration of our meetings. Our activities included ialks and discussions tnd " tnpp.r gathering with members of the I.S.C.F. from other schools. Also this year a newsheet has been published called Inter-School and this makes very interesting reading for us. It contains articles of interest to eirls oT our age and also much informatio,n about the camps held every year. rJile would like to thank Mrs. McDonald {or her co-operation and for allowing us to use the piano in-room 9. \7e extend an invitation to all ihose interested in our group to join with us every Thursday lunch hour for plenty of fun and fellowshiP' - ruDrrH sEcoMB ^5.C"J4. .-Not.' As ivith every year, we must thank the wonderful people who helped the Student Christian Movement to become an efficient or- ganization. The two people we especially thank Ihit y.ur are Mrs. McDonald and Mrs' Fallon for all their vronderful interest and enthusiasm. The year really began well with an Induction Service in which sixty new members joined the movement - a good start. The regular tVednes- day lunchtime meetings have been highlighted by heated discussions, oxford debates and the occas- sional panel discussions, all of which, have stimulatid our interest and broadened our outlook. Inter-school activity and co-opeiation has lifted interest tremendously. We have had de- bates vrith Kelvin Grove and St. Margaret's, and attended Inter-school conferences at St' Rita's and Gregory Terrace. A few of our attempts to raise money, e.g., car-\I/ashes, were very successful and we certainly did not lack enthusiasm. \7e hope that fellow-S.C.M.'ers have even better luck next yeaf. We had some very interesting sPeakets - including Brother Simon and Rev. G. Paxton. They gave different and refreshing views on year has suffered, I feel, flom too
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and to the pianists, Jeanette Howman and Janine Lonergan. Many thanks must also go to those members of the orchestra, Janet Harper and to very com- petent volunteer guitatists who make the "Swiss Alps" segment of the concert programme so en- joyable and successful. A small group of the orchestra members have also played to Assembly, to help the singing of the h'mns' -ALrsoN sPEcHr (vB)
The orchestra has played many pieces this u"ur rr*ging from the Alpine Suite- to Handel's w"i.. Mrrti.. \7e o.we a gre^t deal to Miss Cormu.k who has been vety enthusiastic and encouraging. The subsidiary group, the Recotders, has many willing membets, and they -have st-udied a n.r*t.t of interesting pieces which they hope to play in public later this Year. Thanks must go to Diana Marshall who has played the first violin part with her sistet Helen,
ORCHESTRA Back Row (Left to Rlght): Janlne Lonetrgan, Robln Prlddle, Lynn Roblnson, chrlstlne Broughton, Ellzabeth Czarkowski, Valerle Brdmlle, Jennlfer Brom, Jennlfer Robblts, Leslev Cameronr Catrina McNelIl, Alllson Rowlands. Mlddle Row: Heather Appleton, Judtth Ayre, wilma Moo, Judith Hughes, Jennlfer watt, Jane Cowllshaw, Melanle Thlele, Susan Don, Marlon Cooper, Allson Crawford' Front Row : Patrlca Webber, Janet Robson, Ilelen Marshall, reanette HoVman, I)lana Marshall, Allson Specht, Yvonne Moreton, Beverley Tumer.
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Harper. The last of our items was an Itish folk tune, "I Flave a Bonnet". \(/e were invited to take part in a Civic Concert to be held in September, but unfortunate- ly we had to decline vrith much regret' On School Day we added "Crimond" to ou-r year's repettoire. ffe sang it,in three parts and, we will iem.mber it as our first item to the ac- companiment of our newly acquired organ. The accompanist was Codiss Gustavson' We are now preparing some new madrigals and enjoying our work. As always, our sincete thanks goes to Miss Frederick foi keeping us up to the mark and training us so well. _ c.c.
'il7e opened the year with an invitation to sirig at u .-ott..tt for the Senior Citizens' It vras hel"d in the Festival Hall one afternoon. As we rvere in the last part of the ptogramme' we arrived in plenty of time to enioy the items pre- sented bv ih. Senior Citizens themselves. \fhen our turn came, vre sang "Sing A Song- Of Six- pence", by Michael Diack (with- apologies to ifund.i).'iSummertime" from Gershwin's "Porgy and Besi", "Copenhagen" by Loesser, and one madrigal, "Seek .the Lord" by Thomas Ca.mpion. Our.next performance rrlas at Play Night in August. \7e repeated "Sing {. Song Of Sixpence" ".rJ "Cop.thagen", and added two songs ftom Gilbert and Sullivan's "Mikadb", "Three Little Maids", for trio and three part choir,-the trio beine i"tt.t Harper, Alison Hili and Alison Speclt,-and "The Moon and I", a solo by Janet
MADRIGAL CIIOIR Back Row (Left to Rlght) : J. Naylor, A. HiIl, E. Blnghm, B, Tumer, J. Harper, J. Bennev, S. Bourne, A. Specht, M. Herbert, M. PhitliPs. second Row: R. Prlddle, H. Hayes, C. Broughton, H. Marshal, Y. Moreton, J. Lees, L. Pitkeathly' D. Marshall, M. Thlele, P. Slatghter' Front Row: M' Philltps, H. Smdercoe, L. Roblnson, R. Hmscombe, J' stern, A. Rowlarids, P. Webber.
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ffin***tru Cf*6 n-N*rc' Several of the members of the Dramatic Club have been very active this year, especially in "Pygmalion" and in "Husbands Supplied" produced {or "Play Night". Both these plays were very successful, particularly "Pygmalion", which was the third play produced by the com- bined drama groups of Boys' Grammar and Gids' Gtammar. f am sure all the girls who participated in these plays gained good experience and a greater insight into the world of the theatre. This year, to keep the dramatic spirit burn- ing sffongly and to broaden our limited know- ledge of drama, we invited a guest speaker, Ian Thomson, an experienced actor and producer, who gave a very interesting and amusing talk on "The Att of Being an Actor". I would like to thank Mrs. Bailey and Mrs. Knight for their interest and assistance through- out the year and Mrs. McDonald for her support and good wishes. I would also like to thank Christine Matheson, president; Suzanne Love, treasurer and the secretary for their hard work in running the Club. I wish the Club every success next year and I hope a strong love of the theatre vrill be con- tinued by members. So good luck and keep up your interest in acting' - HELEN sANDERcoE (vID)
In May and June this year, a combined Girls' and Boys' Grammar schools cast presented Pygmalion, by George Bernard Shaw. It was the third such joint performance produced by Mr, Farragher and NIr. Bryce, masters of the Boys' Grammar school, and was conducted as part of the Centenary celebrations of the Boys' School. Professot Higgins was played bv Phillip Edmiston, Eliza Doolittle by Christine Matheson, and Colonel Pickering by Gregory Parry. The main supporting cast included Mark Hamlyn as Doolittle, Dianne Stadhams as Mrs. Higgins, Fiona Dougall as Mrs. Pearce, Helen Sandercoe as Mrs. Eynsford Hill and Robyn Eggins and Robin James as Clara and Freddy Eynsfotd Hill. Several months of considerable effort was put into the production, but f am sure we all appreciated how many hours of pleasure we had gained as the nights of performance drew near. In conclusion I woqld like to express our sincete thanks for all that Mr. Bryce and Mt. Farragher did in producing and directing Pygmalion and making possible such an enjoyable experience.
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Senior Circular Relay. Athletic Blue Pockets were awarded to Barbara, Margaret Mamiott and Anne tWest. The Inter-school Athletics Carnival ran very smoothly, thanks to the organisation of our Sports' Misttesses. England 'il/on the Aggregate Points Trophy, while Lilley won the England Relay Cup. The Individual Points Cup was shared by Barbara Jordan, Heather Page and Suzanne Nixon. rVe would like to thank the Sports Club for the afternoon tea provided at the Interhouse Athletics, and also the groundsmen for their pre- paration of the field. 1il7e would also like to thank very much, Miss Hatton and Mrs. Salzman, for their help and guidance throughout the season. To future Grammar teams we wish the very best of luck, hoping they can maintain, if not raise, Grammar's high standards. _ P.R., M.A.
LTnfortunately this year, the Athletics Team did not acquit themselves as well as could be ex- pected in the Annual Interschool Carnval at Lang iturk on July 30th. Althoueh Grammar gained 3rd place, we feel more accent could be placed on the ballgames, which proved, once again, to be the downfall of the Grammar team. Despite this, the girls tried very hatd and deserve congratula- tions. Our congratulations go to St. Hilda's and Brisbane State High School who tied {or the Senior Cup, St. Hilda's winning, by a narow margin (after a recount), the Interschool Catni- val. Brisbane State High School also vron the Intermediate Cup. Grammar Juniors did excel- lently in winning the Junior Cup, which indicates promise in the Grammar teams of the near future. Our congratulations also go to Barbara Jordan, who won f.he 220 yard Championship and het 100 yard Age Race, and ran the final leg of the winning
ATHLETICS TEAM Captaln: Margaret Andrew; Senlor Captaln: Pamela Roblnson; Intermedlate Captain: Susan Byth; Junlor Captaln: Margaret Marrlott
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