November 1920 School Magazine


Morvmnl-, I920. BttiaBA^ GlkS' GRMMAR S0HOOL KjLGAZri. ,

Word has also come that Dr. Utel Parnell who graduated at the Sydney Univerilty, has been offered and has accepted a partnership wt.h Sir James Barrett, K.B.E., C.B., C.M.G.. M.&., M.D., the well-known Melbourne special- ist. We are very proud of Dr. Parnell's success. In April, 19290, Dr. Eleanor Bourne quali- fled for the Diploma of Public Health, Uni- versity of London, and was then appointed assistant medical officer of health to the city of Carlisle.


Aug. 2nd--To MT. and Mrs. Christopherson (MoUle Collin)- son. Sept. 6th-To Mr. and Mrs. King-Harman (Lucy Bell)-a daughter. Sept. 18th--'o Mr. and Mrs. Needham- Walker (D. KHroe)-a daughter. We wish to offer our heartiest congratula- tions to all these old friends of ours and to wish them many years of happiness.



insight into Engliah educational Our very best wishes go with her.

With feeling of very great regret ve learn that Miss Smith is leaving us at tho end of the year. Miss Smith is an old girl of the school and has been on the staff for about tea years. At the beginning of 1916 she was eppointed Second Mistress. For many years she given ungrudgingly of her best to further the Inter- ests of the school, and her departure will leave vacant a position that it will be hard to Hll. Her conscientious work, stimulating per- sonality and public spirit have been of the utmost value to those who have had the privi- lege of working with her on the staff, and to the girls who have gone through the school during her term of office, especially to those who have come into personal contact with her. Miss Smith leaves at the beginning of next year for England, where after enjoying a much-needed holiday, she hopes to gain an

Miss Watson is resigbing at the end of the year in order to be matried, and one and all we unite in wishing uer many years of happiness. She has not been very long in the school as actual time counts, but in that brief two years she has made herself a popular and esteemed colleague. Next year we are looking forward to wel- coming Miss Lyons back to the Grammar School and to hearing of her adventures in Europe. She is already on her way back, and it is a great pleasure to know that her holiday has in every way exceeded her expectations. In order to cope with tae large number of new girls who entered the Grammar School after Midwinter Miss Dath and Miss Drake joined the staff. With Miss Hensell, Miss Dath and Miss Drake (all old Grammar School girls) graduated with second class honours, heading the list in Classics.

Jacob's Ladder.

To think that angels have big wings, And do not fly. If I were on, 1 would not walk From earth to sky. On days like this 1 would be gladder, To fly than walk Up Jacob's Ladder.

The summer sun is streaming straight, I'm sure I'll melt, This is the hottest day for months That I have felt. Just mised that tram! My heart grows sadder, I'll have to walk Down Jacob's Ladder.

M. B. (III. B.).


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