November 1920 School Magazine





A Motor Drive in Victoria.

It was a beautiful clay in M\arch. aInd as we hadt beeti ui.tlle 'o see muh of the c'oun try about us owing5 to the dlamp, dlrizzly weather which had hitherto prevailetl. we rte cidted "to make hay while the sun hone~.' antl accordlinly had lun'h pcked andl ~artel off for a long motor dlriv~. Healeville. the villte urrounled t molcuntains, where we, were styin. wit t hi o)ak, chestnut, nd sycamore) treesn lning thi' streets., lookedl very invtng thatsny dlay. After passring for oe mle! aIl :tn : roarls with blackberry buhes on eith~r side'., we saw the Itegnning of M\r. St~ve~nsons orI- chrl. whch ve were toldl wa the largestl itt .~Utr31a; the rows of apple. lnear. an.!l 11 ittI tres eemed to trtch for mile. Shortly after we b~egan to a::ccnl I he' Iiavtck S~ur. andi when we cae to the l)evil's Klba. a Steel) part of the mlounta~s i.we hadl to st .tp while wter wast poured~ on the elngine. w hieb hadl grown too hot. Tall ree-frnsr andrt gut a t's itiade the way very lretty hile~ flcks cet *'grenies'' andt :e few roellas~ kep~t us caont- p~any and.~l occasilonlly wer saUw bunlli'i tail~ d zappe ring umog thel frns an l Ire ketti

the ch u feur. to put it oult its at h~''y. ha Il k no(kedl it on the headrt. One ofI the, sight.- long the roadl wasi ar itamr ,I hous'4. built up tall g it in treesJ whic~h viiit ot' cou~ic li at l~y ineens o~f s~iral Ilder. Soon fter we~ went t hrough Mryvllle. a nlot her prtty villae, andMaLftw iil'i iles hht'e o~r ttwe al1 ot oit tattel wil ked to see~t Stephe1-- so~ns Falls.~i the thu ner at' which con hil Ie( hea i'dl a1qurtr ot a in ile difl. 'l'hey ~r' vtry hih il as~ wer tood (it th' rocks at t he' faa:~

OnI ?he'~ way~ litik

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rhe' eat1I eg#re in anel dro'cv' thro~uh

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atI the itte sVpl ringat to harve our w As '~.

wit it its I t tie on~, which as alive l~i


Gladys Y.ettt.g

starVecil-loik lugR.


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