1918 School Magazine





^Meber, 1918.

legistrar, afternoon te was served ia the Uni- veatty Common Booms. The proeeed from this itd firo the sale of weets and programme (amsuting to *64), were divided between the Soldiers' Soak Fund sad the Red Cross Fund. The results of the empetition-were:-B.G.GJ. 451 points, IG.O.8. 13j points, Teehnieal Col- lege 7 points, and "Craigrd" 5i points. Mrs. Stephens has kindly presented a eup for annual eompetition between eeondary schools, which we hold for this year, and hope to hold for many more. At the presetation, Mrs. Stephens tied a streamer of royal blue to the handle of the eup, asklag that it sbould be untied and kept by the girl who seeured the maximum num- ber of points for her school. The honour fell to P. Franeli, who seeared 7 points; with H. Jackson 0t points, L. Maddiseon, 0. Heyworth, and M. White 6 points se1h.. The most amusing race was the chariot race; six teams started, but some forgot that they had to return to the startin point, and wandered blindly about amid shrieks of laughter from the elookers Aaother amuasin event was the three-legged race; in this, as in moot of the events, the pistol frightened the eompetitors uad some ehoee the ground for a resting plase for a few minutes. even though it was rather damp. The height cleared by the winner of the High Jump, M. Hall (I.O.), 4ft. eins., was a surprise to most people. L Maddison wus a close second, clearing 4ft. Sins. The jumping on the whole was very good, even the judgel remarkinag on the excellence of style displayed. The times in the Championship and the Hur- dles were also good. nl some of the events the appearance of dogs who seemed to imagine they could join in and have a try, as well as the girls, eaned omme annoyasee, but the dogs eventually retired, seeing the girls were winning easily. It was too dark to deids the Long Jump, so this wau postpoed till the followig Monday afterses. NIet year, let a hope, we shall not have t heat ad uge the sempetlter to prasti, for m shal have a harder tkph, sise some of the ether scheel wiD badly want that enp. N. J.

SBCOOL 8POBTS. The annual School Sports took place on Wed- nesday afternoon, June 19th. This year's 8port. had a great advantage over last year', as they were held on the Boys' Turf, and so the girb were able to run the raees withoUt turning. This year, we had hurdles for the frnt time, and we have to thank Mr. Connal for briaing. over two boys, to instruct us in the art of "'urlingout leg." The Flag race was won by Perm VI., sad the Chariot race, also an innovation, by Form V. Afternoon tea was served at tables on the grass, and the proeede from this, together with the entry fees, and the entrance money, amount- ing to £20, was again divided between the Red Cross and the Comforts' Funds. We again have to thank Nestle's, and Mr. Spriagall for sending donations of ice-resam. We wish to thank Miss Mollisen for giving up so much time to us, and also to thank Miss Lyons, and the Mistresses who looked after the afternoon tea. . H. H. B.G.G.I. 4PORTS' COMMITTU, 1918. Misses Mackay (preaident), Lyons (Hon. Sec.), Steedman, Mollison, E. Hart (assaiat. Hoa. eec.), D. Stephens, 8. Drake, A. Brrell, G. Jones, M. Lamb, J. Sharp.





T. B.B. 8.

Tpawich Girls' Grammar School .. Brisbane Girls' Grammar School .. Brishane Girls' High 8ehool St. Margaret' High Sehool Southport Girls' High Behool .. ..

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Intereehools' Cup-Brisbane



Lshool. Tennis Pennant-Brisbane Oirls' Orammar ebeeoo Basketball Pennant-Brisbane Girls' Grammar Sehool. Swimming Pennant-Brisbane Girls' High ASbool.


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