1918 School Magazine
December, 1918. l)eceinber, 1918.
IS year, as in former years, Gymnastics have been a favourite exercise with all the Porms. Sixth Fora, contrary to custom, taking part and having leons with Fifth. TUe work on the whole has been very good, especially in the Upper Thirds, in which Forms thres are sme very ged gyuts. T he.Iower Thirds h6 ade a good begintala. Apparently the thousht ef that er too sear event, the Junior, i e itnI d th ethkrwie ",IreS' move- meat of 'he IV. Form Chb y lave again a~de their appearanee, be- A.JLHJL y ItCE the Fifth this year tIs a very small Form, attending to the library, mending books and magasines takes up a great deal of our time. We now have a great variety of books, likely to suit all taste, bat for such a large school there are not ealy enough subscribers, so here we take the opportunity to ask more girls to join. The girls who hate looked after the eup- boards are Laurie, Mary, Marjorie, and Nell, and, no doubt, the subscribers have found them J I *The port' ciommitteo have nobly attended the few meeting, held during the year, and their work in conneetion with our own and the Interiehool i 4 portN haw been niost eMelent The holding of Sports' Days entails an ininite amount of labour undreamt of either by the partleipants or by the onlookers, and the members of the eanmitte applied themselves to the task with right good will. Special thanks are due to klleaor Hart for the long lists she paiastak- 'ngiy produced for the guidane of intending competitors. Next year's eommittee will eer- aif)yregret her departure from their u*.st. the Tennis Blue for the year 1918 ha been awarded to r. Drake, the Swimming Blue to TLirr
ing now included' in the lessons of VI. and V. Forms, and with these, very good pegres has been made. Another exereise for VI. and V. Forms only is that on the parallel bars, and very sa;issfatory work has been done in this direction also. Instead of clubs and parallel bar,. the other Forms have skipping steps and 'free movements. Though there have bees no Inter-Form com- petitions this year, yet enthusiasm for Gymnas- ties has led many girls of the lower Forms to practise in the diser-hoer. . .. very. helpful in the recommending ef books. Every Friday, at dinner-time, there is a seramble of girls into the Fifth Form room, where Hilda is busily looking after the books, and Katharine the magasines. For the benet of any girls who do not know, we will state here, that it is the custom to pre- sent a book to the library on leaving. Thus a girl may leave her Tame inside a library book, if not on the Honour Board. NTesP
Sports Notes.
D. Stephens, and the two Basket Ball Blues to H. Jackson and M. Wagner. A. Carmiehael played a very good game, but cireumstances prevented herfrom playing in three matches, thus rendering her ineligible for a Blue. The Swimming and Tennis Champlons for 1917, generously gave up their priee, receiving in- stead eertleatee, and in consequence the Soek Fund benefted to the etent of £13. Last year the broooh, anoaymouly donated, to be awarded to the girl judged by the Sports' Mistreeses to be the beet all-round sport, fell to Ese Wilsen. This year, Itarjore Lamb le the winner. It proved no easy task this year, .to decide who was beet entitled to the brooel,
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