1918 School Magazine









Decemb r, 1918.


We have just finished a Teanis Toarnauet under Miss Weaver's superysion, over whisch there ha ben great excitement ,as to who would win the inal. It chanced that the last game was a very elose one and the vietors triumphed by only one point. 8even Christmas boxes were sent by our Form to the Front, and we sincerely hope that they will assist in making the Christmas of a few boys somewhat happier. RUMOV. Our Forum containas ifteen girls, Beryl Donna. being our captain. Though our Form is the lowest in the school, we take part in all Tennis matehes, but this year we have not played Basket-ball. We have just started swimming, and hope to get a team to swim off for the "Burrell Cup." During last term, we learnt a small Freneh play, and now we are learning a French carol. repoidng in the middle of the tennis-court. W.e think the ducks must have laid them .during the night. We have to congratulate our last year's head- boarder, Grace Rankin, on passing her senior at the end of the year, also the successful can- didates in the recent music examinations, namely Maisice in Advanced Grade, Phyllis ir the Lower Division, Rosa in Elementary, and Mary in Primary. This year we have revisited our old picnic haunts, and we owe many thanks to Miss Wall and Miss Mollison for their kindness in taking us for so many enjoyable outings. This season we formed a Basket-hall Club with Isobel as our Captain and Runner, and "Ctquib" as chief mainstay. Phyllis miarlle an emcient thrower, and many of the other put up a pretty fair game. The year is drawitr to a close, and we are all looking forward to the holiday, though sonmc of u, will not be returning next year, so we bid farewell to school and its associations. On Monday night, the memorable Novemnber 11th, after we commenced prep.. Miss Mackay announced to us the glorious ,Iws of the sign- Ing of the Armistice. Wherelupon, we "downed tools," namely, ink-bottles and Geometry hooks and, rushing to the front verandah close upon the heels of Miss Mackay, Miss Pate. and Miss

lad to say~ "Bouncer" has oveeo e her anr- vouse- and has stopped bouncnag up and down when neagr to dislose her knwldge. Qwing to the 4eat, we have giveja up )aaket-baUl for the preseut, and are deyoting our time to tennis and swimming. LOWEB I.b. Our motto: " Manners Makyth Man. " T HIRTY-two in all, we are just settling down into our new school life, and under the able guidance of our Form captain, we are enjoying it much better than we would other- wise have done. Although we have not been here long enough to have any of our number in a team, we are proud to say that our captain, who was here some six months before we came, is in the III.a Tennis Team. AT the beginning of the year, we returned to And only four of last year's girls and seven newcomers, but at midwinter we were reinforced by seven "newies," and we can now lay just claims to being an enterprising and talented crew. Just judge from the following extracta, taken fronm the "Odes" of a budding genius: " Baby dimple, baby pimple, Moreover, great detective faculties have been displayed by some of the juniors, who having dim-overed suspicious signalling to probable enemy planes by some of our brethren, made heroic attempts to wee who could reach the top of the atlirs first. The well-known Grammar cry of "Go on Grammar, blue, blue, blue," has been changed to the very appropriate, Wallaby, wallaby, kan- garoo, applicable to a certain frisky member who has a slight inelination to 'op. Early in the year we were awakened one morn- ing ia the "wee sma' hours," by a shrill cry of "Come and look at the dock eggs," and arising, we beheld some rather commodious duck eggs 80 sweet, so innocent and simple.'' Laughing eyes and red, red lips, All wreathed in youthful smiles, By far he is the sweetest kid In all the British Isles.

Boarders' Notes.

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