1918 School Magazine













SCOOL MaAAIN.Deeme, Deoanbar,


1t sad 3r; to the ]arY


high I ight ~sth' .lht dt r'w" with peat bet

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1st; to the Ohit, 1st; ia the Hihr i.~ UG adIn h sggqd,~i~ let; - we did very wfl; ad had for eom~tlttrs to the sdary School ipert. We are nuotuate to tht our best tesls player could not play luqour chif match against slxth with the reult that. e wrere dfeted. To oulr srpise aing lost Uthet wene rit was hopless to wi the shield, sadl after two uucessfu attepts the mateb was playe, sad wer agari defead. Anyoe wrilag to lear the art of pesl spply to Fift, since some of the mtembers are constideed aftr the trip to BedelfY, as past matrs (or mritrsses) to that art. Twro accidnt occurred last tou, easd in eh ese by the sudden colape of a sat durig lson; luel, the injuries susrtaned weu not siou, though th seats still safer to ehaage mandhoes in a rr should rw miute e 7 he allowd for each foot .lr~s~ve. o It. lse? Fit ar tbhlal o tig upl a eolloetlo 13 aid of " tupenarlna rough books. Bbssurlptie thaflriryl ,rueeev Nou ofrus ar ttng fooreuxaoms toya, ewe esme--lde bI wishing the Sealors and Jeaisw the best of lu W E hae a lre ate) eto-reInI w ish iu aogst ether thiap Ou stem "'OrNarpp Faml" of U ta1 lk ad 4 not always, illed with Lowers. We wre not so suceesfl to Slports, as we mit have beeru-splnl tennisas or best playeu-prgars rayea-aIll n ua mbl to pla In any o the mathes at all, Howevr, we di aot d~ badl, sad pied fdouth plsee fcorth. u We ldid frly w n the Sehoa Upts gaIILa- isa ,osr d passe bh In the rbsurs sa I the Vhg rase lnr ktLhs rtua.1 ~~et Iem te d#ver s b thell)seshwl4~ bashtbli eomptton, bu~t N ascy

to thlvres.

'1 be it tald 4k~daft e the yer hs besi ear visit to Biuthport dutisg the .14 inatr yactlem sad to it the most sesatiol veait was "'The CLIty, held oa x.,a. nigt, ~rrd~alla bult e vrid and eempllea Ce tdecie We~ had Bseety Bells and heavely twts. Boaw, Cthprty wa em -r Of 383 thisg, "all heatful oud brighrt" as it we, scrd we eae prtla~l ma to - ws emm~lAlrin beah One of the met ds~Lhfu sad ps~Yg dlsevrles wik w madek was the musical talent, exiting t our for. NeIin to fesY, we taskfull advantage sembs f-r or pemrs em the hleeu. Veril, the erea ha ris e t h top aad hbitoat, Iagt d'aprf be : Laglh lae burr by te vbrat lssds whichr rise frm hIew. Meet of us are leaving at tie 6.4 of thisr yeas. eare sre flt wth vrbeb It will be a ease of, "Werc bsr't west to los you, het we k;Ow you have t o, For te world sa its people bth asid pto us." Out 3orm AT the begluumla of the year we were a I' eterogeneous eolleetin, sixteeanoall, but we ar nowr feer sad atlly le, and esa onlyboast of elvenmess strwalrill we ea makef ourse herd, .oetlmss moe them we tor- tended orinll, fr ear muemories are not quito able to rasp te fact tht our voices Wtle are well represented in the rsehool teams. u cief represenatlvb to te swimmagn team, D. Sylo, won a lare number of pont. fe the seee In the laterehoo Carnival, and we hope; tht she will b e a sueer In our sehee emualvl Ia Deemnber; we les hathre ether gr~s ssmetlag.n Our r9)eresstatl to the ten ik ham is 31. Fowl~r, wh, hs derge rb pe the seheeL We ha' es-s -temw tr iegl th ie 1mIs tm,'mt-.dwe wishlr ~ smesss. W only h r relrestalve If th h esheeto, 5. Jeess butr .hrr mr. Atg - whel rrsuto oweda Is th

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