1916 School Magazine
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December, 1916.
GIRLS' GRM.\ALl S( lit)L MAt.ZlNE.
Gymnastic Notes.
G REAT interest has been taken in Gym- nastics this year, especially in the lower Forms. These large Forms are divided into two, three, or four divisions, so that more exercises may be done during the lesson. For the first six months we had a pianist, which made the lessons ve!y pleasant, auti when she left us to take up :,ymnastic work in Too- woomla. we missed her sadly. However. various girls have come forward, and have done their best in her place. Durlng the third I'('H good work has been done by the school during the year, not only I . knitting and st .ing various garments for the troops, but in collecting funds as well. The amount contributed by the various Forms to the end of November totals about £33, half going to the l.ed ('ross, half to the Soldiers' ('omforts Funds. Our congratulations are due to Form IVa on having raised a larger sum during that time, proportionately, than any other class. liefore the Michaelmas holidays the boarders gave an entertainment in aid of the Returned Soldiers' Residential ('lub, which resulted in the sumn of £13 being raised. Remove Form also realised £18 18s. for the ('omforts' Fund by their recent entertainment. Every secoind I,'riday is a day of special contribution, being either a fruit, vegetable, or egg day, and in this way donations are received for t he lied c'ross Kitchen. IIl: School posscssts a very good library. contaning over seven hundred volumes. Theireater part of the school, however. does not take advantage of the excellent read- Ing matter which is supplied, but we hope that next year there will be more subscribers. We have received many gifts of books from girls who have left us. and trust that those who are going this year will follow their good examp t *. In this way those of us who are unable to have our names on the Honour Board may leave themn in library books. The number of librarians has been somewhat less this year, and on this account Via have very M T
term. competitions were held between the two Fourth Forms and the three Thirds. IVa was the winner of the former competition. and Illa the winner of the latter. There are some very good gymnasts in Va and Vb, but the former do not appear to exert themselves over much. In place of the old tan, we now have a good hardwood floor, which is a great improvement, as it allows of many complicated skipping exercises, which -afford us much amusement. At the same time we regret to note that collections are decreasing, and we strongly urge one and all to make special efforts to keep contributions up to the standard, anti it possible to surpass it. as our noble troops, of whoni we are so justly proud, are in need of all the help available, worthy of our best work on their behalf, and of every posible self- denial we can practise. HOSPITAL. rThe school maintains two (cots at the ('hil- dren's Hospital. one for I'pper, and one for Lower School. the necessary funds being raised by each girl placing one penny In the hospital box every Monday morning. Regular reports are received from the secretary of the Hospital. giving interesting information concerning the little sufferers who have occupied the cots. At the end of the year. after paying for the upkeep of tihe cots, the surplus is expended in buylng a .few good toys for the amusement of the children. T. K. I). ('. 11. wi'lingly helped Vlb all the year with the library. al though they have been very busy with their senior work. We have lately lost two ot' our workers (G. Itankin and M. l)aniels), and consequently we tind our duties on Fridays beconming moret strenuous. We hope thet girls will help us by bringing their subscriptions early anti by taking great carte of the books entrusted to them. The librarians rejoice in the possession of a new stamp, which has long been needed, and is still used with a certan amllount of pleasure. A. 1H. M. F.
Red Cross and Hospital Notes. RED CROSS
Library Notes.
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