1916 School Magazine
I )e'inmb'r. 19 II.
f ilitl.S'
ccrs for the year were elected :-President, Miss Mackay; vice-president, Miss ('oghlan; treasurer, Miss K. Jones; se('retary, Miss E. Kennedy; committee. Misses Synan. Engel. lyoeis, Park. MacGibboii. The second meeting took th. form of a social arternoon at the school on 13th May. The third meeting. which was to have heen an entertainment in aid of the Grammar School War Memorial Fund, had. unavoidably. to lapse, owing to the illness of the Pr'esident and various other members. The Memorial Fund. however, was not allowed to suffer, a subacrip. tion of ten guineas being voted towards it from the General Funds. The Annual Tennis Match. Pant v. Present. by Miss Marckay from Mins WVil- kinsoi and Miss Hunt will ie of interest to many of their old pupils :- .1isn W'ilkinson writes': "fow your blood would be stirredl if you were in Ieondon ! And let,
which miarketd the fourth ni'eting. was played at the School on 16th September, and. after an exciting contest. was won by the Present Girls. hy one game. The final meeting of the year wan the popular river trip. now an annual event. it was helt! on 7th October on board the Q.O.S. Lucinda. anl was, na usual. well patronisel. .Members are delighted that i President iM now restored to health, and are looking forward to meeting her again next year. It is regretted that the number of members haM not materially inc eeased during the year, LInI it is sinic'erely hoped that Old Girls will i vail thliTselves eel the standing invitation tee Join tie ranks of the Assoe'atioie. ."Mytenth. It's a re'.' and I eteuld s'e' them brace' theenselves up as if to use the bHayonet. You will have heard the man points of the war. We shall see much its the near ruture. Australia utst keep up her reinforcenients, or it is iiiurtier to keep the Anzas in the war at all. .ll England is now iiagiiiticent. You coulel hardly believe tit' .liaiige; froni top to bottom. united grin, tde t('riine. This is all war, but it in all aroutinc us. ta ' ''. I ain always very isut-I ite'restetl iin he-aring ithout I ie deer ol school. .lisn Huniit write's: "I was so interest eel It he'ar of all the girls are' elolig for the war. (II course here' we feel nse miuchl nearer tee tIhings, ansehtne se's though noet ehe r''a I srrors oit war. lit least t hi.' 'olise'eluen'tc's. c Yoii ask about my mnuiiitioii work. That 14 cc thing ci I te' past. I was only e'nguge'd iin it teer a te'w ioit H. W\'e we'rt' e xpe'ri mentliii tote ft tnld Ii hew iethol oi making a ce'rtai substace wlith coull lie c'erriee out in e]( eri'n on n Irge' ncale'. WLihat t lie substessee' in I luist iiot sny We' lways eIepoke ce' it as 'It' e'ven lie ft' IthI. twli' iais was nieve'r iien tinee. lIi pre-war days it was very rare'. be'lng suis' Imii a very lonw antI clsnibersnue proenies. involving hout six cllfferret steps. IIHowe'vc'r, hit 1ey lit we rc'clee'd ft'e Steps. andii enulsurgci lie apparatus ntil we turn'l i. oIuctui nifihV lent tiuat itis. Thes eur wotrk ce'aseel. . . Sine' I'l I leAe' he''t en eeg Iee Midi werk. fMrst I w'ent as eereh'rly in ii 1'. .i I ospisal tile weork- sweepine , 'lusting. wasliligup. ee. ifdr. Iir\ tic y litt?'' thly said.
Items of Interest.
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