1913 School Magazine
' . Dec., H113.
whose beds had been ups,et, found they had to set to and make them again. Wednesday and Saturday afternoons are given up to long walks which some- limes are enjoyable, our favour ite places being North .Quay, where we can watch the .sights of the river, ' a"s we ar;e 'very interested in rowing, and the Acclimatisa~ tion Gardens, where our chief occupa- tion is se.eking four-l eaf clovers, whic~ are supposed to be the emblem of good luck, and we all think we need luck at all times, ' especially when our ·exams . are near. Some of our Saturday evenings are spent in tab leaux and plays given by some of the boarders who have brains enough to . write the plays. Many 6f these are very good and br ing out the .t alents oJ: th9 dramatic boarders. During the midwinter ho~ idays one of the balconies was suitably fitted up for sleeping on, and since the hot weather has set in a few of the lucky girls are sleeping out. . We always look forward to our Sun- day evening walk along the terrace, as the evenings are so pleasant just now. Since it has got warmer we have started swimming again, and spend' Tuesday afternoon at the baths. This year is drawing to a close, and many of the senior girls will be leav- ing us. We hope that the girls of next year will have as good and gay a ' time as the boarders of this year have had, and we wish the girls who are ' leavin~ every success and happiness 'ill ''their future careers. (Signed) T. G., E. W. , J. L. , D .A., J. R. The Baby's Love. Samebody' s heart was broken, Someone· was tired of life, Someone was tired of trouble, Someone was tired of stri~e. And somebody told the baby, Sobbed out her tr oubles there, And the baby, of cour se she understood, She knew all about despair.
·our sorrow ' we were' only allowed go to the "Merchant of Venice." As the night was wet -- the boarders went in cabs, and mE}t the rest of the party (80 in all ) at the door of :His Majesty's Theatre, and we all marched in lik,e angels clad in white. The seats were splendid, and we enjoyed the play very much, and were sad when the grand finale was plaved . The Granrl Carnival of ' Nations, in which twenty-four took part (the bulk being boarders) , had to be postponed ·on account of the rainy weather, but was a great success when it came off. . During this year we have paid several visits to the Dandies. This breaks the monotony ot a Saturday evening. As we were all very anxious to ,heal' the tamous t enor, John McCormack. Miss Williams, who approves of good music, allo.4Yed JIS to go and hear him. rWe had very good seats, ana quite losu ·ours'elves in the beautiful music. During Exhibition week we w:ere given Wednesday a holiday and a work- t hroug h on Friday. Wednesd'ay morn- in~ \-ve all marched out of the gate with .our little packets of lunch under .our arms to the Exhibition grounds, arid had a gre;at day, and were sorry at not being all owed go on Friday. Some of the lucky girls went to the excellent plays of that week with friends or rela- tions, but most were among' the un- lucky number. The boys' sports came off on the 19th September, for which we had a work- through, and spent the afternoon ad- _miring the athletic powers of the boys, who- are so close to us· In August ther·e was an e'clipse .of the moon. We sat on the balcony in our dressing-gowns and watched the s hadow go across the moon's face. This favour was granted us on condition we b ehaved ourselves . For a while we were very good, but this must have b een too much of a strain on some ·of our nerves, as a few of the girls com- m cnc3d their tricks by apple -pieing beds .and putting brushes down girls' backs etc. For this we were almost sent to 'bed, but on a second promise we were .allowed to remain. We were all very goqd, and talked' of su
And the baby cooed and patted, And the baby eased soineone's pain, And the baby inade one 'life happy; And started someone agalll.
And somebody ,' owed that the babv Was the sweetest gift from above, . For someone ha:l. felt from th e depths of her The wealth of the baby' s love. LUCY ANDERSON, Form IV.
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