1913 School Magazine
16 . In wntmg an essay for the ,Society for Prevention of Cru elty to Animals, Lucy Anderson was successful in gain- ing the senior oertificate . 'Fourth form was riot very enthusias- tic about s\vimming Jast season, but Joan Lilley helped to win the Brock- way Cup 'for the school. Howev,er, a better start seem's to have been maae this season. Our form has had a representative in the School Tennis Team, and we are sure that Lena Cam'Pbell deserved' the place she held. Form tennis and' ba"ket ball matches have been played off excepting the basket ball match (.g ~jns t VI. Form , with . whom. we tied. Although we were not successful in wiening the Tennis Cup, we tender our hearty congratulations .to the winners, the V. Form, and hope to do better ourselvesnE'xt year. J. B. , 0. B. , C. H. I1T. A is the largest form in inc school this year, numberin~ forty girls. Most of us were new this vear , but our shyness (if we ever had any ) is al- ready beginning: to wear off. Our class -roOI'n furniture is also new -silky oak desks and lockers and an extra green black-board! I 'vYe own THE mllseum of the school, and our form mistress, Miss Rossiter, and several of the g'irls nave kindly contrihuted ihe specimens therein. Mavis Daniels, Lorna Farrar and Alice HOf;kin haVE: won distinction in the -eyes of the school for their high percentag'es in the -haH-yearly exam's. , Mavis gain- ing 133 ' per cent. ~t present, we are up to our eyes in work (7) as the Christmas exams. will be on us in no tim'e now. Our capable form captain, May Evans, does her best to keep the unruly mem - hers in order, though sometimes with- lJut success. AlLhough w(·! haven't won any form tennis matches , we put up good fights, and Margaret Campbell , our tennis cap- tain. has coached the team well. Our Form Basket-ball team, with Ka1hleen Hirschfeld as captain, has III. A. QU): motto: "Manners makyth man."
Dec., 19]3~
played many close games in matches against the other forms. The form is· very proud of Mabel AppJ.eton, who oc- cupies the important position of free-- funnel' in both school and Form teams. The swimming season has begun this- term. bui it is rather too earlv to write ahout the IlL A champions:' Special prizes have been gained in our form by Jessie Fraser and Muriel McCullough (juniors ), Mavis Daniels and Cr.therine MeKinnon (s'enioTs) , for es- says in connection with the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals_ We have every reason to be proud of the various members of our form who have gain ed .such success in both. work and play. M. E. , L. F., M. M. REMOVE FORM. M. Love, captain. J . Tibbits ' is the member chosen for beautifying the class · room. The work of the class on the whole has been very sa tisfactory with both . books a nd games. There have been £.8 \V lazy ones . A few of the girls entered for the Essay Competition, and Florence· Voss . obtamed special priz.e . Most of the girls are ver y interested in the formation of the basket ball team. Stancie Dra ke was chosen ' as captain. They chose as their form ,badge the , school colours-RoyaJ Blue with a spray of wattl e. The team was not succeliisful against the bigger girl s, but was not disheartened at all. They hope for suc- cess 'in the future , The tennis team consists of M. Love (capL ), G. Bell. E. Wright and R. Camp - belL J. Tibbits is 1st eme'rgency. We ' were successful against the 3 A form, beating them by eight points. Some memhers of the form took part in the "Carnival of Nations" pageant, which was a great success. , In addition to our weekly . subscrip - tion we have been making garments for the children at the hospital. The form is very proud of the new fittings in the classroom- blackboard, silky oak CLesks , lockers which have numbers on them; there is no con- fusion. Our n ew desks are very com- forfable if not as commodious as the old. "
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