1913 School Magazine
IDec. , 1913.
very enthusiastic, and the entries were exceptionally good. The chief races were:- Breast and back, won by Olga Her tz· herg; L. Bond, 2. Senior Handicap, L. Bond. Life Saving" O. Hertzberg and J . Quin· Ian. Under 14 Handicap, D. Kennedy. 14-16 Han dicap, L. Campbell. Obstacle, M. Lilley (1 ), L. Campbell (2 ). ' Diving, 1\1 Lilley, .T. Quinlan.
BASKET·BALL NOTES. This game is quite new at school,;, and at first was taken up in April quite eagerly, probably because of its novelty, but in a short time the member:; ·gradu- ally lessened until it was a labour of art. to gently persuade girls to stay and practise. The first inter·school match was played against S1:. Margaret's on June' 7th, on their home court, and our tea:rn; was badly beaten, the score being 51,.
Basket Ball Club.
J. Quinl an
L. Bond
A. Little
M. Appleton
L. Macnish
M. Grimes
C. Wil son
13. The girls at St. Margaret's enter - tained our team at tea and an im- promptu fancy dress ball, which proved great fun and helped to take away the sting of the first defeat. A week later Miss Copas took the team to Ipswich to play against the Girls' Grammar S<.:hool, and they were again defeated, though not so badly, 16--12. Ther e were no other matches until after the midwinter holidays, when the much-dreaded match aglainst the High School took place on 23rd Auglust. A changle was made in the team, M. Ap- pleton becoming free runner and' 1.,. Bond goal defender, both of whom did.
Senior Relay Race , L. Bond's team. .Tunior Relay Race, O. Adam's team. Pick·a ..hack. P. Hertzb erg and I. Par· nell. ChampionshiJl, M. Lille,', I ; L. Bond, 2. .-\ t present the attendance a t the baths i~ not good, and it is to be hoped that the girls will endeavour to stir them· el\" e a littl e and attend the baths mor e re~ularly . Towa rds the end of: the term several girL will be entering for the Bronze )Iedalli()H. whilst the team will again compe te for ,the Barry Cup, for which he: obt ained second place Jast year. l\1.1.,.
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