July 1951 School Magazine
c/\ia;gazine of COhe CBrisbane Girls' Grammar School
This year, 1951, marks the Jubilee of our nationhood. In. the fifty years since 1901, two generations have, to the best of their ability, wrought for the prosperity and progress of Australia as a nation: soon it will be our turn to guide her destiny. There is much to be done,-and some things, too, to be- undone; the future depends on · us. Today we stand near the misery of Asia and under the shadow of Communism, which is insinuating itself into every artery of the nation's bloodstream. There are many newcomers to our land who find it hard to live among us. There are the original native Australians, to whom the old cruel policy of apathetic indif- ference, and segregation, is only now slowly changing. There- is the vast natural wealth of our country to be exploited. Truly we have been richly dowered with material wealth, and given great opportunities towards building up friendship and mutual prosperity in the East. We have no past to live- down. Shall we ignore our opportunities, sink back into smug insularity, and inevitably bring upon ourselves conquest_ slavery, and ass imilation?
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The future rests with us.
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